首页> 外文期刊>The journal of immunology >Antibody Responses of Rhesus (Macaca Mulatta) Monkeys Experimentally Infected with Coxsackieviruses of Group B and Group A, Type 9

Antibody Responses of Rhesus (Macaca Mulatta) Monkeys Experimentally Infected with Coxsackieviruses of Group B and Group A, Type 9




Heterotypic antibody responses to the echoviruses, polioviruses and reovirus type 1 were studied in rhesus monkeys which had been infected via the oral route with group B or group A, type 9 coxsackieviruses. Second or third infections with a coxsackievirus were shown to elicit heterotypic antibody responses to certain of the echoviruses but not to the polioviruses or reovirus type 1. The greatest amount of heterotypic reactivity was seen in complement fixation tests, and a number of heterotypic echovirus antibody responses were demonstrated in gel diffusion tests. Significant increases in hemagglutination-inhibiting antibody were also seen to some of the echoviruses, and in a few instances these were associated with low and transient rises in neutralizing antibody. The coxsackievirus infections produced a diversity of echovirus antibody responses, and no patterns of immunologic relationships between the various coxsackievirus and echovirus types could be established.




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