首页> 外文期刊>The journal of immunology >The Effectiveness of Tuberculo-Glycolipid as an Adjuvant in Eliciting Allergic Encephalomyelitis and Aspermatogenesis

The Effectiveness of Tuberculo-Glycolipid as an Adjuvant in Eliciting Allergic Encephalomyelitis and Aspermatogenesis




1. 1. Guinea pigs were injected with testicular extract incorporated in water-in-oil emulsion containing graded amounts of killed, dried Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Wax D from human type of tubercle bacilli. The minimum amount of tubercle bacilli required to induce aspermatogenesis was 0.015 mg; and of Wax D, 0.1 mg.2. 2. Guinea pigs were injected with rabbit spinal cord incorporated in water-in-oil emulsion containing graded amounts of killed, dried M. tuberculosis or Wax D from human strain tubercle bacilli. The minimum amount of tubercle bacilli required to induce encephalomyelitis with death was 0.04 mg; and of Wax D, 0.4 mg. The minimum amount of tubercle bacilli which induces encephalomyelitis with recovery was 0.02 mg; and of Wax D, 0.2 mg.3. 3. The guinea pigs were tested for tuberculin sensitization. The minimum amount of tubercle bacilli or Wax D in the water-in-oil emulsion required for sensitization was determined: 0.0004 mg for M. tuberculosis , and 0.2 mg for Wax D.4. 4. The data summarized in paragraphs 1 and 2 above indicate that 7–10 times more Wax D than tubercle bacilli was required for inducing allergic encephalomyelitis and aspermatogenesis. Since Wax D is only 6–8% of the whole bacillus, it may be concluded that if Wax D is the active factor in inducing delayed hypersensitivity, it is 84–160 times more active when contained in the mycobacterium than after isolation and purification.5. 5. This consideration is not in favor of, but does not exclude, the role of Wax D in eliciting hypersensitivity of the delayed type. Various interpretations are discussed.
机译:1. 1.给豚鼠注射睾丸提取物,该睾丸提取物掺入油包水型乳剂中,该乳剂包含分级分离的,来自人型结核杆菌的已杀死,干燥的结核分枝杆菌或蜡D。诱导生精的最小结核杆菌数量为0.015 mg; D蜡为0.1 mg.2。 2.给豚鼠注射掺入油包水乳剂的兔脊髓,该油包水乳剂中含有分级量的被杀死的,干燥的结核分枝杆菌或来自人菌株结核杆菌的蜡D。诱发死亡的脑脊髓炎所需的最小结核杆菌数量为0.04 mg;和蜡D,0.4毫克。引起脑脊髓炎并恢复的结核杆菌的最小量为0.02 mg; D蜡为0.2 mg.3。 3.测试豚鼠对结核菌素的致敏性。确定了致敏所需的油包水乳液中结核杆菌或蜡D的最小量:结核分枝杆菌为0.0004 mg,蜡D.为0.2mg。4。 4.上文第1和第2段总结的数据表明,诱导过敏性脑脊髓炎和生精作用所需的蜡D是结核杆菌的7-10倍。由于蜡D仅占整个芽孢杆菌的6–8%,因此可以得出结论,如果蜡D是诱导迟发型超敏反应的活性因子,则分枝杆菌中蜡D的活性是分离和纯化后的84–160倍。 5, 5.这种考虑不利于但不排除蜡D在引起迟发型超敏反应中的作用。讨论了各种解释。




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