首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. British VolumecBritish Orthopaedic Association , Australian Orthopaedic Association , Canadian Orthopaedic Association . . . [et al] >Demonstrations of Physical Signs in Clinical Surgery. By Hamilton Bailey, F.R.C.S.(Eng.), F.A.C.S., F.R.S.E., Emeritus Surgeon, Royal Northern Hospital, London; Consulting Surgeon, Italian Hospital; General Surgeon, Metropolitan Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital; Vice-President, International College of Surgeons; formerly Hunterian Professor, Royal College of Surgeons; and External Examiner in Surgery, University of Bristol. Thirteenth edition. 9 x 7 in. Pp. xvi+928, with 1,142 figures (many in colour). Index. 1960. Bristol: John Wright & Sons Ltd. Price 75s

Demonstrations of Physical Signs in Clinical Surgery. By Hamilton Bailey, F.R.C.S.(Eng.), F.A.C.S., F.R.S.E., Emeritus Surgeon, Royal Northern Hospital, London; Consulting Surgeon, Italian Hospital; General Surgeon, Metropolitan Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital; Vice-President, International College of Surgeons; formerly Hunterian Professor, Royal College of Surgeons; and External Examiner in Surgery, University of Bristol. Thirteenth edition. 9 x 7 in. Pp. xvi+928, with 1,142 figures (many in colour). Index. 1960. Bristol: John Wright & Sons Ltd. Price 75s

机译:临床手术中的体征演示。伦敦皇家北方医院荣誉外科医生F.R.C.S.(F.A.C.S.,F.A.C.S.,F.R.S.E.意大利医院顾问医生;大都会耳鼻喉医院普通外科;国际外科医生学院副院长;曾任皇家外科医生学院Hunterian教授;和布里斯托大学的外科外科医生。第十三版。 9 x 7英寸Pp。 xvi + 928,具有1,142个数字(许多颜色)。指数。 1960年。布里斯托:约翰·赖特父子有限公司(John Wright&Sons Ltd.)定价75秒





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