首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. British VolumecBritish Orthopaedic Association , Australian Orthopaedic Association , Canadian Orthopaedic Association . . . [et al] >THE PATHOLOGY AND SURGERY OF THE VEINS OF THE LOWER LIMB. By Harold Dodd, Ch.M., F.R.C.S., Surgeon to St Mary's Hospital; and Frank B. Cockett, M.S., F.R.C.S., Surgeon to St Thomas's Hospital, London. Foreword by R. R. Linton, M.D., Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School. 10x7? in. Pp. ix+462, with 313 figures. Index. 1956. Edinburgh and London : E. & S. Livingstone Ltd. Price 65s

THE PATHOLOGY AND SURGERY OF THE VEINS OF THE LOWER LIMB. By Harold Dodd, Ch.M., F.R.C.S., Surgeon to St Mary's Hospital; and Frank B. Cockett, M.S., F.R.C.S., Surgeon to St Thomas's Hospital, London. Foreword by R. R. Linton, M.D., Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School. 10x7? in. Pp. ix+462, with 313 figures. Index. 1956. Edinburgh and London : E. & S. Livingstone Ltd. Price 65s

机译:下肢静脉的病理学和手术。哈罗德·多德(Ch.M.,F.R.C.S.)外科医生到圣玛丽医院;以及伦敦圣托马斯医院的外科医生Frank B. Cockett。哈佛医学院外科临床助理教授R. R. Linton,MD的前言。 10x7? in。Pp。 ix + 462,有313位数字。指数。 1956年。爱丁堡和伦敦:E。&S. Livingstone Ltd.价格65s



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