首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. British VolumecBritish Orthopaedic Association , Australian Orthopaedic Association , Canadian Orthopaedic Association . . . [et al] >TUMORS OF BONE. By Charles F. Geschickter, M.D., Professor of Pathology, Georgetown University Medical School, Consultant in Pathology, U.S. Naval Medical School, Consultant in Pathology, Mt. Alto Veterans' Administration Hospital, Pathologist-in-chief, Gallinger Municipal Hospital, Washington, D.C.; and Murray M. Copeland, M.D., Professor of Oncology, Georgetown University Medical School, Consultant in Surgery, Gallinger Municipal Hospital, Washington, D.C., Special Consultant, Federal Security Agency, Public Health Service, Cancer Control Branch, Washington, D.C. Third edition. 10?x7? in. Pp. xviii+8l0, with 642 figures, 90 tables and 18 charts. Bibliography and Index. 1949. Philadelphia, London, Montreal: J. B. Lippincott Company. Price £5,5/-

TUMORS OF BONE. By Charles F. Geschickter, M.D., Professor of Pathology, Georgetown University Medical School, Consultant in Pathology, U.S. Naval Medical School, Consultant in Pathology, Mt. Alto Veterans' Administration Hospital, Pathologist-in-chief, Gallinger Municipal Hospital, Washington, D.C.; and Murray M. Copeland, M.D., Professor of Oncology, Georgetown University Medical School, Consultant in Surgery, Gallinger Municipal Hospital, Washington, D.C., Special Consultant, Federal Security Agency, Public Health Service, Cancer Control Branch, Washington, D.C. Third edition. 10?x7? in. Pp. xviii+8l0, with 642 figures, 90 tables and 18 charts. Bibliography and Index. 1949. Philadelphia, London, Montreal: J. B. Lippincott Company. Price £5,5/-

机译:骨肿瘤。作者:Charles F. Geschickter,医学博士,乔治敦大学医学院的病理学教授,美国海军医学院的病理学顾问,山顶大学的病理学顾问华盛顿特区盖林格市立医院首席病理学家奥拓退伍军人管理医院;和Murray M. Copeland,医学博士,乔治敦大学医学院肿瘤学教授,华盛顿特区盖林格市立医院外科顾问,联邦安全局特别顾问,华盛顿特区癌症控制处公共卫生服务。 10?x7? in。Pp。 xviii + 8l0,具有642位图形,90个表格和18个图表。书目和索引。 1949年。费城,伦敦,蒙特利尔:J。B. Lippincott Company。价格£ 5,5 /-





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