首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. British VolumecBritish Orthopaedic Association , Australian Orthopaedic Association , Canadian Orthopaedic Association . . . [et al] >Bones, Bodies and Disease. Evidence of Disease and Abnormality in Early Man. By Calvin Wells. Volume 37 in the Series Ancient Peoples and Places. General Editor: Dr Glyn Daniel. 8? x 6? in. Pp. 288, with 88 photographs, 33 line drawings, 4 tables, 3 graphs and 1 histogram. 1964. London: Thames and Hudson. Price 35s

Bones, Bodies and Disease. Evidence of Disease and Abnormality in Early Man. By Calvin Wells. Volume 37 in the Series Ancient Peoples and Places. General Editor: Dr Glyn Daniel. 8? x 6? in. Pp. 288, with 88 photographs, 33 line drawings, 4 tables, 3 graphs and 1 histogram. 1964. London: Thames and Hudson. Price 35s

机译:骨骼,身体和疾病。早期人类疾病和异常的证据。由Calvin Wells撰写。 《古代民族与地方》系列中的第37卷。总编辑:Glyn Daniel博士。 8? x 6? in。Pp。 288张,包含88张照片,33张线条图,4张表格,3张图表和1个直方图。 1964年。伦敦:泰晤士河和哈德逊河。价格35s





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