首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. British VolumecBritish Orthopaedic Association , Australian Orthopaedic Association , Canadian Orthopaedic Association . . . [et al] >Medicine and the Navy, 1200-1900. Volume I—1200-1649 and Volume II—1649-1714. By John J. Keevil. Volume III—1714-1815 and Volume IV—1815-1900. By Christopher LLOYD, F. R. Hist.S., Professor, Royal Naval College, Greenwich, and Jack L. S. Coulter, F.R.C.S., Late Captain, Royal Naval Medical School. 8? x 6? in. Pp. xii x 255, with 16 illustrations. Pp. xii + 332, with 20 illustrations. Pp. xii + 402, with 16 illustrations. Pp. xii + 300, with 14 illustrations. Appendices, bibliographies, indices. 1957, 1958, 1961, 1963. Edinburgh and London: E. & S. Livingstone Ltd. Prices Vols. I and II 40s., Vols III and IV 50s

Medicine and the Navy, 1200-1900. Volume I—1200-1649 and Volume II—1649-1714. By John J. Keevil. Volume III—1714-1815 and Volume IV—1815-1900. By Christopher LLOYD, F. R. Hist.S., Professor, Royal Naval College, Greenwich, and Jack L. S. Coulter, F.R.C.S., Late Captain, Royal Naval Medical School. 8? x 6? in. Pp. xii x 255, with 16 illustrations. Pp. xii + 332, with 20 illustrations. Pp. xii + 402, with 16 illustrations. Pp. xii + 300, with 14 illustrations. Appendices, bibliographies, indices. 1957, 1958, 1961, 1963. Edinburgh and London: E. & S. Livingstone Ltd. Prices Vols. I and II 40s., Vols III and IV 50s

机译:医药与海军,1200-1900年。第I-1200-1649卷和第II-1649-1714卷。约翰·基维尔(John J.Kevil)第III卷-1714-1815年和第IV卷-1815年-1900年。克里斯托弗·罗伊德(Christopher LLOYD),格林威治皇家海军学院教授F.R. Hist.S.和皇家海军医学院晚期船长F.R.C.S. 8? x 6? in。Pp。 xii x 255,含16个插图。 Pp。 xii + 332,含20个插图。 Pp。 xii + 402,含16个插图。 Pp。 xii + 300,含14个插图。附录,书目,索引。 1957、1958、1961、1963年。爱丁堡和伦敦:E。&S. Livingstone Ltd.价格卷。 I和II 40年代,Vols III和IV 50年代





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