首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. British VolumecBritish Orthopaedic Association , Australian Orthopaedic Association , Canadian Orthopaedic Association . . . [et al] >ROENTGEN DIAGNOSTICS. By H. R. Schinz, Director, Roentgen Diagnostic Central Institute and Radiotherapeutic Clinic and Polyclinic, University of Zurich ; W. E. Baensch, M.D., Professor of Radiology, Georgetown University, Medical School, Washington, D.C.; E. Friedl, Senior Assistant, Roentgen Diagnostic Central Institute, University of Zurich; and E. Uehlinger, Director, Institute of Pathology, Cantonal Hospital, St Gallen, Switzerland. Volume II. Skeleton (Part II). Based on the fifth German edition revised and enlarged. English translation arranged by James T. Case, M.D., D.M.R.E., Chicago. 11 x 8? in. Pp. xiii+1,l91, with 1,500 figures. Index to Volumes I and II. 1952. London: William Heinemann Medical Books Limited. Price £15

ROENTGEN DIAGNOSTICS. By H. R. Schinz, Director, Roentgen Diagnostic Central Institute and Radiotherapeutic Clinic and Polyclinic, University of Zurich ; W. E. Baensch, M.D., Professor of Radiology, Georgetown University, Medical School, Washington, D.C.; E. Friedl, Senior Assistant, Roentgen Diagnostic Central Institute, University of Zurich; and E. Uehlinger, Director, Institute of Pathology, Cantonal Hospital, St Gallen, Switzerland. Volume II. Skeleton (Part II). Based on the fifth German edition revised and enlarged. English translation arranged by James T. Case, M.D., D.M.R.E., Chicago. 11 x 8? in. Pp. xiii+1,l91, with 1,500 figures. Index to Volumes I and II. 1952. London: William Heinemann Medical Books Limited. Price £15

机译:伦琴诊断学。苏黎世大学伦琴诊断中心研究所所长和放射治疗诊所及综合诊所主任H. R. Schinz W. E. Baensch,M.D.,华盛顿哥伦比亚特区乔治敦大学医学院放射学教授;苏黎世伦琴诊断中心研究所高级助理E. Friedl;瑞士圣加仑州立医院病理研究所所长E. Uehlinger。第二卷。骨架(第二部分)。在第五次德语版的基础上进行了修订和扩大。英文翻译由James T. Case,医学博士,芝加哥D.M.R.E.安排。 11 x 8? in。Pp。 xiii + 1,l91,具有1,500个数字。第一和第二卷的索引。 1952年。伦敦:威廉·海涅曼医学书籍有限公司。价钱£ 15





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