首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. British VolumecBritish Orthopaedic Association , Australian Orthopaedic Association , Canadian Orthopaedic Association . . . [et al] >Surgery in World War II. Neurosurgery—Volume I. Edited by R. Glen Spurling, M.D., Professor of Neurosurgery, University of Louisville School of Medicine, Louisville, Ky.; formerly Colonel, M.C., A.U.S.; and Barnes Woodhall, M.D., Professor of Neurosurgery, Duke Medical School and Hospital, Durham, N.C.; formerly Lieutenant Colonel, M.C., A.U.S.; with twelve other contributors. Prepared and published under the direction of Major General S. B. Hays, the Surgeon General, United States Army. Editor in Chief: Colonel John Boyd Coates, Jun., M.C. 10 x 7 in. Pp. xix+466, with 133 figures and 23 tables. Index. 1958. Washington: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. Price $5.00

Surgery in World War II. Neurosurgery—Volume I. Edited by R. Glen Spurling, M.D., Professor of Neurosurgery, University of Louisville School of Medicine, Louisville, Ky.; formerly Colonel, M.C., A.U.S.; and Barnes Woodhall, M.D., Professor of Neurosurgery, Duke Medical School and Hospital, Durham, N.C.; formerly Lieutenant Colonel, M.C., A.U.S.; with twelve other contributors. Prepared and published under the direction of Major General S. B. Hays, the Surgeon General, United States Army. Editor in Chief: Colonel John Boyd Coates, Jun., M.C. 10 x 7 in. Pp. xix+466, with 133 figures and 23 tables. Index. 1958. Washington: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C. Price $5.00

机译:第二次世界大战中的外科手术。 《神经外科手术》,第一卷,由肯塔基州路易斯维尔路易斯维尔大学医学院神经外科教授R. Glen Spurling博士编辑。以前是美国麻省上校;和北卡罗来纳州达勒姆市杜克医学院和医院神经外科教授,医学博士Barnes Woodhall;曾任美国陆军中校上校;与其他十二个贡献者。在美国陆军外科医生S. B. Hays少将的指导下编写和出版。主编:约翰·博伊德·科茨上校,美国马里兰州10 x 7英寸Pp xix + 466,包含133个数字和23个表格。指数。 1958年,华盛顿:美国政府印刷局文件总监,华盛顿特区,华盛顿特区,25美元,价格5.00美元





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