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P2u purinoceptor regulation of mucin secretion in SPOC1 cells, a goblet cell line from the airways




pThe SPOC1 cell, a novel goblet cell line derived from rat trachea, was tested for its ability to exhibit regulated mucin secretion in response to purinergic (Psub2/sub) agonists. High-molecular-mass glycoconjugates (HMMGs) purified by CsCl-density-gradient centrifugation had a buoyant density of 1.45 g/ml. The purified HMMG material exhibited a single major band with an apparent molecular mass of greater than 1000 kDa in SDS/ polyacrylamide gels stained with silver or blotted and stained with soya-bean agglutinin. [sup3/supH]HMMG was resistant to proteoglycan-degrading enzymes, but was susceptible to neuraminidase. The HMMG was approx. 91% carbohydrate by weight, and the glycosides were O-linked. The HMMG amino acid composition was enriched in Ser and Thr (sum 27%). Thus SPOC1-cell HMMG possess the characteristics of mucin. Mucin secretion by SPOC1 cells, grown on permeable supports and perfused luminally, was stimulated by ATP, UTP and adenosine 5′-[γ-thio]triphosphate (100 μM) 4–5-fold over a baseline of 4 ng/min. The three dose–effect relations were nearly identical (iK/isub0.5/sub ~4 μM). SPOC1 cells grown on plastic and rat tracheal epithelial primary cells responded similarly to ATP and/or UTP. SPOC1 cells failed to respond to other purinergic agonists, either luminally or serosally, and consequently seem to possess an apical membrane Psub2u/sub purinoceptor. SPOC1-cell total RNA was probed for Psub2u/sub purinoceptor mRNA. Using conserved primers for both reverse transcriptase and PCR, a single band of the predicted size was observed, which had a nucleotide base sequence identical with the rat Psub2u/sub purinoceptor mRNA. Thus SPOC1 cells secrete mucin under the control of a Psub2u/sub purinoceptor; they should prove useful in dissecting the associated cellular regulatory pathways./p
机译:>对SPOC1细胞(一种来自大鼠气管的新型杯状细胞系)进行了测试,以显示其对嘌呤能(P 2 )激动剂的黏蛋白分泌调控能力。通过CsCl密度梯度离心法纯化的高分子糖缀合物(HMMG)的浮力密度为1.45 g / ml。纯化的HMMG材料在SDS /聚丙烯酰胺凝胶中表现出一条单一的主带,其表观分子量大于1000 kDa,该凝胶用银染色或用大豆凝集素染色。 [ 3 H] HMMG对蛋白聚糖降解酶具有抗性,但对神经氨酸酶敏感。 HMMG约为。碳水化合物的重量百分比为91%,并且糖苷是O-连接的。 HMMG氨基酸组成富含Ser和Thr(总计27%)。因此,SPOC1细胞HMMG具有粘蛋白的特性。 ATP,UTP和腺苷5'-[γ-硫代]三磷酸腺苷(100μM)以4 ng / min的基线刺激4-5倍,刺激SPOC1细胞分泌的粘蛋白分泌,并在可渗透的支持物上进行光灌注。三种剂量效应关系几乎相同( K 0.5 〜4μM)。在塑料和大鼠气管上皮原代细胞上生长的SPOC1细胞对ATP和/或UTP的反应相似。 SPOC1细胞无法对其他嘌呤能激动剂(无论是发光的还是浆液的)作出反应,因此似乎具有顶膜P 2u 嘌呤受体。探测SPOC1细胞总RNA的P 2u 嘌呤受体mRNA。使用用于逆转录酶和PCR的保守引物,观察到了一个预期大小的单条带,其核苷酸碱基序列与大鼠P 2u 嘌呤受体mRNA相同。因此,SPOC1细胞在P 2u 嘌呤受体的控制下分泌粘蛋白。它们应被证明有助于剖析相关的细胞调节途径。




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