首页> 外文期刊>The biochemical journal >The role of liver tryptophan pyrrolase in the opposite effects of chronic administration and subsequent withdrawal of drugs of dependence on rat brain tryptophan metabolism

The role of liver tryptophan pyrrolase in the opposite effects of chronic administration and subsequent withdrawal of drugs of dependence on rat brain tryptophan metabolism




p1. Chronic administration of morphine, nicotine or phenobarbitone has previously been shown to inhibit rat liver tryptophan pyrrolase activity by increasing hepatic [NADPH], whereas subsequent withdrawal enhances pyrrolase activity by a hormonal-type mechanism. 2. It is now shown that this enhancement is associated with an increase in the concentration of serum corticosterone. 3. Chronic administration of the above drugs enhances, whereas subsequent withdrawal inhibits, brain 5-hydroxytryptamine synthesis. Under both conditions, tryptophan availability to the brain is altered in the appropriate direction. 4. The chronic drug-induced enhancement of brain tryptophan metabolism is reversed by phenazine methosulphate, whereas the withdrawal-induced inhibition is prevented by nicotinamide. 5. The chronic morphine-induced changes in liver [NADPH], pyrrolase activity, tryptophan availability to the brain and brain 5-hydroxytryptamine synthesis are all reversed by the opiate antagonist naloxone. 6. It is suggested that the opposite effects on brain tryptophan metabolism of chronic administration and subsequent withdrawal of the above drugs of dependence are mediated by the changes in liver tryptophan pyrrolase activity. 6. Similar conclusions based on similar findings have previously been made in relation to chronic administration and subsequent withdrawal of ethanol. These findings with all four drugs are briefly discussed in relation to previous work and the mechanism(s) of drug dependence./p
机译:> 1。以前已证明,长期服用吗啡,尼古丁或苯巴比妥可以通过增加肝脏[NADPH]抑制大鼠肝脏色氨酸吡咯酶的活性,而随后的停药则可以通过激素型机制增强吡咯酶的活性。 2.现在表明这种增强与血清皮质酮浓度的增加有关。 3.长期服用上述药物可增强脑5-羟色胺的合成,而随后的停药则可抑制其合成。在两种情况下,脑中色氨酸的可用性都会在适当的方向上发生变化。 4.吩嗪硫酸甲酯逆转了慢性药物诱导的脑色氨酸代谢的增强,而烟酰胺阻止了戒断诱导的抑制作用。 5.阿片拮抗剂纳洛酮逆转了慢性吗啡引起的肝脏[NADPH]变化,吡咯酶活性,色氨酸对大脑的可用性和脑内5-羟色胺的合成。 6.有人认为,慢性色氨酸对脑色氨酸代谢的相反作用以及随后的上述依赖药物的撤回是由肝脏色氨酸吡咯酶活性的变化所介导的。 6.以前已经根据类似的发现得出了与长期服用和随后撤用乙醇有关的类似结论。简要讨论了所有四种药物的这些发现,并与先前的工作以及药物依赖性的机制相关。




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