首页> 外文期刊>The biochemical journal >Segregation into separate rouleaux of erythrocytes from different species. Evidence against the agglomerin hypothesis of rouleaux formation

Segregation into separate rouleaux of erythrocytes from different species. Evidence against the agglomerin hypothesis of rouleaux formation




pErythrocytes from one species were labelled with fluorescein isothiocyanate and mixed with unlabelled erythrocytes from another species. Albumin polymers were added to generate rouleaux. The species of origin of erythrocytes in rouleaux was determined by fluorescence microscopy. Erythrocytes from different species segregated into independent rouleaux. However, fluorescent and non-fluorescent erythrocytes from one individual were mixed randomly in rouleaux. These results confirm, using a novel experimental approach, previous observations of Sewchand & Canham [(1976) Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 54, 437-442]. Since rouleaugenic agents are not species-specific, under the ‘agglomerin’ hypothesis of rouleau formation they would be expected to form bridges between cells from different species. It follows that either the agglomerin hypothesis is incorrect, or additional species-specific surface components are involved in the aggregation of agglomerin-cross-bridged cells./p
机译:用异硫氰酸荧光素标记一种物种的红细胞,并将其与另一种物种的未标记的红细胞混合。添加白蛋白聚合物以产生肉串。通过荧光显微镜确定肉卷中红细胞的来源种类。来自不同物种的红细胞分离成独立的肉汁。但是,来自单个个体的荧光和非荧光红细胞在rouleaux中随机混合。这些结果使用新颖的实验方法证实了Sewchand& amp; amp;的先前观察。 Canham [(1976)Can。 J.生理学。 Pharmacol。 54,437-442]。由于致肠球性致病因子不是物种特异性的,因此在“致球蛋白形成”假说的“聚集蛋白”假说下,它们有望在不同物种的细胞之间形成桥梁。由此得出结论,要么是团聚体假说不正确,要么是团聚体跨桥细胞的聚集涉及其他物种特异性表面成分。




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