首页> 外文期刊>The biochemical journal >Glycogen synthetase and the control of glycogen synthesis in the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum during cell differentiation

Glycogen synthetase and the control of glycogen synthesis in the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum during cell differentiation




p1. The variation in cellular glycogen content of differentiating cells derived from myxamoebae that initially contained a wide range of glycogen contents (0.047–5.56mg of glycogen/10sup8/supmyxamoebae) has been studied. 2. Myxamoebae that initially contained 0.047–3.62mg of glycogen/10sup8/supmyxamoebae all gave rise to fruiting bodies that contained similar amounts of glycogen (0.06–0.11mg of glycogen/10sup8/supcells) but myxamoebae that initially contained 5.56mg of glycogen formed fruiting bodies containing 0.5mg of glycogen/10sup8/supcells. 3. Despite the high net rate of glycogen disappearance (during cell differentiation) from cells that contained more than 2mg of glycogen/10sup8/supcells initially, there were still significant variations in the rate of glycogen synthesis. The rate of glycogen synthesis reached a peak at the aggregation stage. 4. Evidence is presented showing that the rate of this synthesis of glycogen is controlled by factors other than the intracellular concentration of glycogen synthetase. 5. Our results are discussed in the context of the theory that the rates of glycogen synthesis and degradation act as a control mechanism for cell differentiation. 6. Criteria are discussed for deciding whether a biochemical event is causally or secondarily related to morphogenesis./p
机译:> 1。已经研究了最初含有多种糖原含量(0.047–5.56mg糖原/ 10 8 myxamoebae)的黏附杆菌分化细胞的细胞糖原含量变化。 2.最初含有0.047–3.62mg糖原/ 10 8 myxamoebae的黏附杆菌都产生了子实体,其中含有相似量的糖原(0.06-0.11mg糖原/ 10 8 细胞),但最初含有5.56mg糖原的粘菌形成了子实体,其中含有0.5mg糖原/ 10 8 细胞。 3.尽管最初含有超过2mg糖原/ 10 8 细胞的细胞中糖原消失的净速率很高(在细胞分化过程中),但糖原合成速率仍存在显着差异。糖原合成速率在聚集阶段达到峰值。 4.提供的证据表明,糖原合成速率受细胞内糖原合成酶浓度以外的因素控制。 5.我们的结果是在糖原合成和降解速率充当细胞分化控制机制这一理论的背景下讨论的。 6.讨论了确定生化事件与形态发生是因果关系还是次要关系的标准。




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