首页> 外文期刊>The Astrophysical journal >Measuring the Flattening of the Outer F-corona Using STEREO-A/HI-1 Images

Measuring the Flattening of the Outer F-corona Using STEREO-A/HI-1 Images

机译:使用STEREO-A / HI-1图像测量外部F电晕的平坦度



The white-light Fraunhofer-corona (F-corona) arises from light scattered by the circumsolar dust. Using weekly minimum background models of ST-A/HI-1 observations, we characterized the flattening of the F-corona between 5° and 24° elongation by measuring the radii of constant-intensity contours along, and at a 25° angle to, the photometric axis. The ratio of these quantities (the pseudo-flattening index ) is analogous to the definition of the flattening index (). Measurements of the pseudo-flattening in the north and south hemispheres reveal a periodic asymmetry in the appearance of the F-corona (attributable to changes in polar brightness due to the elevation of the spacecraft from the dust symmetry surface), as well as a north/south asymmetry possibly introduced by the warped dust symmetry surface. The north/south averaged pseudo-flattening was used to infer the flattening for each weekly model. We found that the inferred flattening index (1) varies periodically with spacecraft position, reaching a maximum in the range 262°??λ??290° due to a brightening along the photometric axis when the spacecraft passes through the surface of maximum dust density, and a minimum at λ?≈?200°, and (2) slightly varies as a function of time (at least partially due to the displacement of the circumsolar dust with respect to the Sun). Comparison of the flattening index with previous works suggests a cubic dependence of the flattening index with log elongation for .
机译:白光的弗劳恩霍夫电晕(F-Corona)来自周围尘埃散射的光。使用每周最少的ST-A / HI-1观测本底模型,我们通过测量沿25°角且与之成25°角的恒定强度轮廓的半径,来表征F-电晕在5°和24°伸长之间的平坦度。光度轴。这些数量的比率(伪扁平化指数)类似于扁平化指数()的定义。在北半球和南半球的伪展平测量表明,F型电晕的外观呈周期性不对称(归因于太空飞船从尘埃对称表面的抬高导致极亮度的变化),以及北半球翘曲的粉尘对称表面可能会导致/南方不对称。使用北/南平均伪扁平化来推断每个每周模型的扁平化。我们发现,推定的展平指数(1)随航天器位置而周期性变化,由于航天器穿过最大尘埃密度表面时沿光度轴方向变亮,因此在262°ΔλλΔ290°范围内达到最大值,和(2)随时间的变化而略有变化(至少部分归因于绕太阳尘埃相对于太阳的位移)。比较扁平指数与以前的作品,表明扁平指数与对数伸长的三次依赖性。




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