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Density Wave Streaming Motions in Stars along the Sagittarius Spiral Arm




A magnitude-limited photographic survey of relative proper-motion components and B, V photometry of 1.3 × 106 stars brighter than apparent B magnitude 14.5 ± 0.5 in the fourth Galactic quadrant is converted into a distance-limited survey of 3.26 × 105 stars up to a distance of 500 pc. A streaming motion of 13.5 ± 0.5 km s-1 is detected in 4.1 × 104 Population I stellar candidates with an orbital perigalactic center located at 6.8 kpc ≤ R ≤ 7.2 kpc, with a Sun location Rsol = 8.5 kpc. A density perturbation of ~0.1 M⊙ pc-3 in the Galactic field potential at R0 ~ 6.8 kpc is interpreted as resulting from the density wave connected with the Sagittarius-Carina spiral arm. A set of 1.4 × 104 stars of mass ~1.5 ± 0.75 M⊙ identify a pitch angle of 10° ± 1° and a migration time from the Sagittarius spiral arm into the greater solar neighborhood of ~35 Myr.
机译:在第四个银河象限中对相对固有运动分量和B,V光度的1.3×106颗星的亮度限制的照相调查,比明显的B幅14.5±0.5亮,将转换为对3.26×105颗星的距离限制调查距离为500 pc。在4.1×104个I族恒星候选物体中检测到13.5±0.5 km s-1的水流运动,其轨道星系中心位于6.8 kpc≤R≤7.2 kpc,太阳位置Rsol = 8.5 kpc。 R0〜6.8 kpc时银河系场势中〜0.1M⊙pc-3的密度扰动被解释为是由与人马座-凯里纳旋臂相连的密度波引起的。一组质量约为1.5±0.75M⊙的1.4×104颗恒星确定了10°±1°的俯仰角以及从人马座螺旋臂到〜35 Myr的更大太阳附近的迁移时间。




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