首页> 外文期刊>The Astrophysical journal >Structure Formation inside Triaxial Dark Matter Halos: Galactic Disks, Bulges, and Bars

Structure Formation inside Triaxial Dark Matter Halos: Galactic Disks, Bulges, and Bars




We investigate formation and evolution of galactic disks immersed in assembling live DM halos. Models have been evolved from cosmological initial conditions and represent the collapse of an isolated density perturbation. The baryons include gas participating in star formation (SF) and stars with the energy feedback onto the ISM. We find that (1) the triaxial halo figure tumbling is insignificant and the angular momentum (J) is channeled into the internal circulation, while the baryonic collapse is stopped by the centrifugal barrier; (2) density response of the (disk) baryons is out of phase with DM, thus washing out the inner halo ellipticity; (3) the total J is neatly conserved, even in models accounting for stellar feedback; (4) the specific J for DM is nearly constant, while that for baryons is decreasing; (5) early stage of disk formation resembles the cat's cradle—a small amorphous disk fueled via radial string patterns—followed by growing oval disk whose shape varies with its orientation to the halo major axis; (6) the disk gas layer thins when the SF rate drops below ~5 M☉ yr-1; (7) about half of the baryons remain outside the disk SF region or in the halo as a hot gas; (8) rotation curves appear to be flat and account for the observed disk/halo contributions; (9) a range of bulge-dominated to bulgeless disks was obtained, depending on the stellar feedback parameter, SF: smaller SF leads to a larger and earlier bulge; lower density threshold for SF leads to a smaller, thicker disk; gas gravitational softening mimics a number of intrinsic processes within the ISM; (10) models are characterized by an extensive bar-forming activity; (11) nested bars form in response to the gas inflow along the primary bars, as shown by Heller, Shlosman, and Athanassoula.
机译:我们调查沉浸在组装动态DM光环中的银河盘的形成和演化。模型是从宇宙学的初始条件演变而来的,代表了孤立的密度扰动的崩溃。重子包括参与恒星形成(SF)的气体和具有能量反馈到ISM的恒星。我们发现:(1)三轴晕图不明显,角动量(J)进入内部循环,而重子塌陷被离心屏障阻止; (2)(圆盘)重子的密度响应与DM异相,从而洗去了内部的光晕椭圆率; (3)即使在考虑了恒星反馈的模型中,总J也保持整齐守恒; (4)DM的比J几乎恒定,而重子的比J减小; (5)圆盘形成的早期阶段类似于猫的摇篮(通过放射状弦状图案供食的小型无定形圆盘),随后是椭圆形的圆盘,其形状随其朝向光晕主轴的方向而变化。 (6)当SF率降至〜5M☉yr-1以下时,磁盘气体层变薄; (7)大约一半的重子以热气体的形式留在圆盘SF区域之外或在光晕中; (8)旋转曲线看似平坦,并且说明了观察到的圆盘/光晕贡献; (9)根据恒星反馈参数SF,获得了从鼓起部分到无鼓起部分的范围; SF越小,鼓起的部分越大,鼓起的时间越早; SF的较低密度阈值导致磁盘更小,更厚;气体重力软化模拟了ISM内部的许多内在过程。 (10)模型具有广泛的条形活动特征; (11)如沿着海勒,Shlosman和Athanassoula所示,嵌套的条形响应于沿主条形的气体流入而形成。




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