首页> 外文期刊>The Astrophysical journal >A Multiwavelength Study of the Young Star Clusters and Interstellar Medium in the Antennae Galaxies

A Multiwavelength Study of the Young Star Clusters and Interstellar Medium in the Antennae Galaxies




We report on a multiwavelength study of the relationship between young star clusters in the Antennae galaxies (NGC 4038/9) and their interstellar environment, with the goal of understanding the formation and feedback effects of star clusters in merging galaxies. This is possible for the first time because various new observations (from X-rays to radio wavelengths) have become available in the past several years. Quantitative comparisons are made between the positions of the star clusters (broken into three age groups) and the properties of the interstellar medium by calculating the two-point correlation functions. We find that young star clusters are distributed in a clustered fashion, demonstrated by power-law angular autocorrelation functions with slopes in the range -0.8 to -1.0. The young embedded clusters (ages ~5 Myr) are found to be more associated with long-wavelength radiation (mid-infrared and longer), while clusters with ages ~10 Myr or older are more associated with short-wavelength radiation (e.g., far-UV and X-ray). The youngest star clusters are associated with molecular cloud complexes with characteristic radii of about 1 kpc. In addition, there is a weak tendency for them to be found in regions with higher H I velocity dispersions. There is some evidence that both cloud-cloud collisions and shocks from recent star formation can trigger star cluster formation, but no dominant triggering mechanism is identified for the majority of the clusters in the Antennae. Feedback from young bright cluster complexes reveals itself in the form of large Hα bubbles and Hα velocity gradients in shells around the complexes. We estimate the current star formation rate to be ≈20 M☉ yr-1 and the gas consumption timescale to be ~700 Myr. The latter is comparable to the merging timescale and indicates that star formation has been enhanced by the merger event. Finally, we find that the Schmidt law, with index N ≈ -1.4, is also a good description of the cluster formation triggered by merging in the Antennae. There is some evidence that feedback effects may modify the Schmidt law at scales below 1 kpc.
机译:我们对天线星系中的年轻星团(NGC 4038/9)与其星际环境之间的关系进行了多波长研究,目的是了解合并星系中星团的形成和反馈效应。这是第一次有可能,因为在过去的几年中出现了各种新的观测结果(从X射线到无线电波长)。通过计算两点相关函数,对星团(分成三个年龄组)的位置和星际介质的属性之间进行了定量比较。我们发现,年轻的星团以聚类的方式分布,通过幂律角自相关函数证明其斜率在-0.8到-1.0范围内。发现年轻的嵌入式星团(年龄约5 Myr)与长波辐射(中红外和更长)有关,而年龄约10 Myr或更老的星团与短波长辐射(例如,远红外)有更大的联系。 -UV和X射线)。最年轻的星团与特征半径约为1 kpc的分子云复合体相关。另外,在具有较高H I速度色散的区域中很难找到它们。有证据表明,云与云之间的碰撞和最近恒星形成的冲击都可以触发恒星团的形成,但是对于天线中的大多数星团,没有发现主导的触发机制。年轻明亮的簇状复合物的反馈以复合物中的壳中大的Hα气泡和Hα速度梯度的形式显示出来。我们估计当前的恒星形成率约为≈20M☉yr-1,耗气时间尺度约为700 Myr。后者与合并时间尺度相当,表明合并事件增强了恒星的形成。最后,我们发现索引为N≈-1.4的施密特定律也是天线合并引起的簇形成的良好描述。有证据表明,反馈效应可能会在1 kpc以下的尺度上修改施密特定律。




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