首页> 外文期刊>The Astrophysical journal >Cassini States with Dissipation: Why Obliquity Tides Cannot Inflate Hot Jupiters

Cassini States with Dissipation: Why Obliquity Tides Cannot Inflate Hot Jupiters




Some short-period exoplanets ("hot Jupiters") are observed by their transits to have anomalously large radii. It has been suggested that these planets are in a resonance involving persistent misalignment and synchronous precession of their spin and orbital angular momenta (a Cassini state) and that the attendant tidal heating inflates the planet. We argue against this. Using explicit tidal integrations, we show that although an oblique Cassini state can dissipate many times the planet's rotational energy, the rate of dissipation must be much less than hypothesized. Dissipation causes the planetary spin to lie at an angle to the plane containing the orbital and total angular momenta. If dissipation is too rapid, this angle becomes so large that Cassini equilibrium is lost. A separate consideration limits the total energy that can be extracted from the orbit. The source of the torque on the orbit, either an oblique parent star or an inclined third body, aligns with the orbit as it absorbs the angular momentum shed by the planet. Alignment removes the orbital precession required by the Cassini state. In combination with observational bounds on the mass and semimajor axis of a possible second planet and with bounds on the stellar rotation and obliquity, these constraints make it very unlikely that obliquity tides can be the explanation for inflated hot Jupiters, especially HD 209458b.
机译:一些短周期系外行星(“热木星”)在其过境中被观测到具有异常大的半径。已经提出,这些行星处于共振状态,涉及其旋转和轨道角动量(卡西尼状态)的持续不对准和同步进动,伴随的潮汐加热使行星膨胀。我们反对这一点。使用显式的潮汐积分,我们表明,尽管卡西尼斜角状态可以耗散行星自转能量的许多倍,但耗散率必须比假设的要小得多。耗散导致行星自旋与包含轨道和总角动量的平面成一定角度。如果耗散过快,则该角度会变得太大,从而使卡西尼号失去平衡。单独的考虑限制了可以从轨道提取的总能量。轨道上的扭矩源(倾斜的母星或倾斜的第三天体)与轨道对齐,因为它吸收了行星散发出的角动量。对准消除了卡西尼状态所需的轨道进动。结合可能的第二个行星的质量和半长轴上的观测范围,以及恒星旋转和倾斜的范围,这些限制使得倾斜的潮汐不太可能成为膨胀的热木星的解释,尤其是HD 209458b。




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