首页> 外文期刊>The Astrophysical journal >Far-Ultraviolet FUSE Observations of the Dwarf Novae SS Aurigae and RU Pegasi in Quiescence

Far-Ultraviolet FUSE Observations of the Dwarf Novae SS Aurigae and RU Pegasi in Quiescence

机译:矮新星SS Aurigae和RU Pegasi的远紫外FUSE观察的静止状态



We have analyzed the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) spectra of two U Geminorum type dwarf novae, SS Aurigae and RU Pegasi, observed 28 days and 60 days (respectively) after their last outburst. In both systems, the FUSE spectra (905–1182 ?) reveal evidence of the underlying accreting white dwarf exposed in the far-UV. Our grid of theoretical models yielded best-fitting single-temperature photosphere models to the FUSE spectra with Teff = 33,000 K for SS Aur and Teff = 53,000 K for RU Peg. For SS Aur, a white dwarf of 27,000 K plus a 48,000 K accretion belt yields the best agreement with the FUSE spectrum and parallax distance. This work provides two more dwarf nova systems with known white dwarf temperatures above the period gap where few are known. The absence of C III (1175 ?) absorption in SS Aur and the elevation of N above solar suggests the possibility that SS Aur represents an additional accreting white dwarf where the surface C/N ratio derives from CNO processing. For RU Peg, the modeling uncertainties prevent any reliable conclusions about the surface abundances and rotational velocity.
机译:我们分析了两个U Geminorum型矮新星SS Aurigae和RU Pegasi的远紫外光谱浏览器(FUSE)光谱,分别在它们最后一次爆发后28天和60天观察到。在这两个系统中,FUSE光谱(905–1182?)都揭示了远紫外线下潜在的积聚的白矮星的证据。我们的理论模型网格产生了最适合FUSE光谱的单温度光球模型,SS Aur的Teff = 33,000 K,RU Peg的Teff = 53,000K。对于SS Aur,一个27,000 K的白矮星加上一个48,000 K的吸积带可以与FUSE光谱和视差距离达成最佳协议。这项工作提供了另外两个矮新星系统,这些新星系统的白矮星温度在周期间隔之上,而鲜为人知。 SS Aur中没有C III(1175?)吸收,且N高于太阳,表明SS Aur可能代表另外的积积白矮星,其中表面C / ​​N比源自CNO处理。对于RU Peg,建模的不确定性阻止了有关表面丰度和旋转速度的任何可靠结论。




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