首页> 外文期刊>The Astrophysical journal >The Mass Accretion Rates of Intermediate-Mass T Tauri Stars

The Mass Accretion Rates of Intermediate-Mass T Tauri Stars

机译:中等质量T Tauri星的质量增长率



We present Hubble Space Telescope ultraviolet spectra and supporting ground-based data for a sample of nine intermediate-mass T Tauri stars (IMTTSs; 1.5–4 M⊙). The targets belong to three star-forming regions: T Tau, SU Aur, and RY Tau in the Taurus clouds; EZ Ori, P2441, and V1044 Ori in the Ori OB1c association surrounding the Orion Nebula cluster; and CO Ori, GW Ori, and GX Ori in the ring around λ Ori. The supporting ground-based observations include nearly simultaneous UBV(R I)C photometry, 6 ? resolution spectra covering the range 3900–7000 ?, optical echelle observations in the range 5800–8600 ?, and K-band near-infrared spectra. We use these data to determine improved spectral types and reddening corrections and to obtain physical parameters of the targets. We find that an extinction law with a weak 2175 ? feature but high values of AUV/AV is required to explain the simultaneous optical-UV data; the reddening laws for two B-type stars located behind the Taurus clouds, HD 29647 and HD 283809, meet these properties. We argue that reddening laws with these characteristics may well be representative of cold, dense molecular clouds. Spectral energy distributions and emission-line profiles of the IMTTSs are consistent with expectations from magnetospheric accretion models. We compare our simultaneous optical-UV data with predictions from accretion shock models to get accretion luminosities and mass accretion rates () for the targets. We find that the average mass accretion rate for IMTTSs is ~3 × 10-8 M⊙ yr-1, a factor of ~5 higher than that for their low-mass counterparts. The new data extend the correlation between and stellar mass to the intermediate-mass range. Since the IMTTSs are evolutionary descendants of the Herbig Ae/Be stars, our results put limits to the mass accretion rates of their disks. We present luminosities of the UV lines of highly ionized metals and show that they are well above the saturation limit for magnetically active cool stars but correlate strongly with accretion luminosity, indicating that they are powered by accretion, in agreement with previous claims but using a sample in which reddening and accretion luminosities have been determined self-consistently. Finally, we find that the relation between accretion luminosity and Brγ luminosity found for low-mass T Tauri stars extends to the intermediate-mass regime.
机译:我们介绍了哈勃太空望远镜的紫外线光谱和有关9个中等质量T Tauri星(IMTTS; 1.5–4M⊙)的样本的地面支持数据。目标属于三个形成恒星的区域:金牛座云中的T Tau,SU Aur和RY Tau;围绕Orion星云簇的Ori OB1c协会中的EZ Ori,P2441和V1044 Ori;和CO Ori,GW Ori和GX Ori在λOri附近。支持的地面观测包括几乎同时进行的UBV(R)C光度法,6?分辨率光谱覆盖3900–7000?范围,光学阶梯观测范围在5800-8600 ?,以及K波段近红外光谱。我们使用这些数据来确定改进的光谱类型和变红校正并获得目标的物理参数。我们发现一个2175弱的灭绝法则?特性,但需要高AUV / AV值才能解释同时的光学UV数据;位于金牛座云后面的两个B型恒星的变红定律HD 29647和HD 283809满足这些特性。我们认为具有这些特征的变红定律很可能代表冷的致密分子云。 IMTTS的光谱能量分布和发射谱线与磁层吸积模型的预期一致。我们将同时进行的光学UV数据与吸积冲击模型的预测进行比较,以获得目标的吸积光度和质量吸积率()。我们发现IMTTS的平均质量积聚率为〜3×10-8M⊙yr-1,比低质量同类物高约5倍。新数据将恒星质量之间的相关性扩展到了中等质量范围。由于IMTTS是Herbig Ae / Be恒星的进化后代,因此我们的研究结果限制了它们的盘质量增长速度。我们介绍了高度离子化金属的UV线的光度,并显示它们远高于磁活动冷星的饱和度极限,但与吸积光度密切相关,表明它们由吸积提供动力,与先前的权利要求一致,但使用的是样品自发确定变红和积聚的光度。最后,我们发现低质量T Tauri恒星发现的吸积光度与Brγ光度之间的关系扩展到中等质量状态。




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