首页> 外文期刊>The Astrophysical journal >The Photometric Redshift Distribution and Evolutionary Properties of Galaxies up to z ~ 4.5 in the Field of the Quasar BR 1202?0725*

The Photometric Redshift Distribution and Evolutionary Properties of Galaxies up to z ~ 4.5 in the Field of the Quasar BR 1202?0725*

机译:在类星体BR 1202?0725 *领域中,z≤4.5的星系的光度红移分布和演化特性*



We present a deep BVrIK multicolor catalog of galaxies in the field of the high-redshift (z = 4.7) quasar BR 1202-0725. Reliable colors have been measured for galaxies selected down to R = 25. Taking advantage of the wide spectral coverage of the galaxies in the field, we compare the observed colors with those predicted by spectral synthesis models including UV absorption by the intergalactic medium and dust reddening. The choice of the optical filters has been optimized to define a robust multicolor selection of galaxies at 3.8 ≤ z ≤ 4.5. Within this interval the surface density of galaxy candidates with z ~ 4 in this field is 1 arcmin-2. Photometric redshifts have been derived for the galaxies in the field with the maximum likelihood analysis using the GISSEL library of ~106 synthetic spectra. The accuracy of the method used has been discussed and tested using galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field with known spectroscopic redshifts and accurate photometry. A peak in the redshift distribution is present at z 0.6 with relatively few galaxies at z 1.5. At variance with brighter surveys (I 22.5) is a tail in the distribution toward high redshifts up to z ~ 4. The luminosity function at z ~ 0.6 shows a steepening for MB -19. This increase is reminiscent of that found in the most recent estimates of the local luminosity function, where a similar volume density is reached about 2 mag fainter. The observed cosmological UV luminosity density is computed in the overall redshift interval z = 0.3–4.5, reaching a value ~2 × 1019 W Hz-1 Mpc-3 at z ~ 0.8. Including recent local estimates, it appears that the UV luminosity density changes by a factor of ~2.5 in the overall redshift interval z = 0.1–4, not including correction for fainter undetected galaxies. Thus we find that the evidence of a marked maximum in the luminosity density at z ~ 1–1.5 for galaxies with R ≤ 25 is weak. Using the GISSEL libraries we have derived in a homogeneous way the physical parameters connected with the fitted spectral energy distributions. Thanks to this new approach, the problem of the star formation history of the universe is dealt with in a consistent way, taking into account the dust and metallicity distributions derived from the spectrophotometric properties of each galaxy in the sample. The bulk of the blue intermediate-redshift population with z = 0.4–1 mostly consists of very young star-forming galaxies with a median starburst age of the order of a few times 108 yr and typical mass in luminous stars ~2 × 108 M☉. The presence of this young population is in contrast with the pure luminosity evolutionary model based on a single high-formation redshift. The cosmological mass in formed stars per unit comoving volume at z ~ 3 is already ~20% of that formed at z = 0.5 in our magnitude-limited sample. Predictions based on the standard hierarchical clustering models are smaller, although not far from that derived from the observations.
机译:我们在高红移(z = 4.7)类星体BR 1202-0725的领域中展示了星系的深BVrIK多色目录。已测量了选定的低至R = 25的星系的可靠颜色。利用该星系在现场的宽光谱覆盖范围,我们将观测到的颜色与光谱合成模型预测的颜色进行了比较,这些模型包括星系间介质对紫外线的吸收和粉尘的变红。对光学滤镜的选择进行了优化,以定义3.8≤z≤4.5的稳健的多色星系选择。在此间隔内,该场中z〜4的候选星系的表面密度为1 arcmin-2。使用约106个合成光谱的GISSEL库,通过最大似然分析得出了该领域中星系的光度红移。已经讨论了使用哈勃深场中的星系并使用已知的光谱红移和精确的光度法对所用方法的准确性进行了测试。红移分布的峰值出现在z 0.6处,在z> 1.5处有相对较少的星系。在与更亮的测量值不同时(I <22.5),分布的尾部趋向高红移,直到z〜4。z〜0.6的光度函数显示MB> -19变陡。这种增加使人联想到在最近的局部光度函数估计中发现的增加,在该函数中,大约2磁微弱的地方达到了类似的体积密度。在总的红移间隔z = 0.3-4.5中计算出观测到的宇宙紫外线发光度密度,在z〜0.8时达到〜2×1019 W Hz-1 Mpc-3的值。包括最近的局部估计在内,似乎在整个红移间隔z = 0.1–4中,紫外线发光度密度变化了〜2.5倍,这还不包括对较暗的未探测星系的校正。因此,我们发现,对于R≤25的星系,z〜1–1.5处的光度密度具有显着最大值的证据是微弱的。使用GISSEL库,我们以同质方式导出了与拟合光谱能量分布有关的物理参数。由于采用了这种新方法,考虑到样本中每个星系的分光光度特性所得出的尘埃和金属分布,以一致的方式处理了宇宙恒星形成历史的问题。 z = 0.4–1的蓝色中间红移种群主要由非常年轻的恒星形成星系组成,其星爆年龄中位数约为108 yr的几倍,发光恒星的典型质量约为2×108M☉ 。与基于单个高形成红移的纯光度演化模型相反,该年轻人口的存在。在z〜3的单位移动体积中,恒星形成的恒星的宇宙质量已经是我们的限幅样本中z = 0.5形成的恒星的质量的〜20%。基于标准层次聚类模型的预测较小,尽管与从观察得出的预测相距不远。




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