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The Tip of the Red Giant Branch Distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud




We present the I-band luminosity function of the red giant branch stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) using the data from the Magellanic Clouds Photometric Survey (MCPS). By selecting stars in uncrowded, low-extinction regions, we observe a discontinuity in the luminosity function at I0 = 14.54 mag. Identifying this feature with the tip of the red giant branch (TRGB) and adopting an absolute TRGB magnitude of -4.05 ± 0.04 based on the calibration of Lee, Freedman, & Madore, we obtain a distance modulus of 18.59 ± 0.09 (random) ± 0.16 (systematic) mag. If the theoretical TRGB calibration provided by Cassisi & Salaris is adopted instead, the derived distance would be 4% greater. The LMC distance modulus reported here, 18.59 ± 0.09, is larger by 0.09 mag (1 σ) than the value that is most commonly used in the extragalactic distance scale calibrated by the period-luminosity relation of the Cepheid variable stars. Our TRGB distance modulus agrees with several RR Lyrae distances to the LMC based on Hipparcos parallaxes. Finally, we note that, by using the same MCPS data, we obtain a distance modulus of 18.29 ± 0.03 mag using the red clump method, which yields a distance shorter by 0.3 mag compared with the TRGB estimate.
机译:我们使用来自麦哲伦星云光度测量(MCPS)的数据,介绍了大型麦哲伦星云(LMC)中红色巨型分支星的I带光度函数。通过在不拥挤的低消光区域中选择恒星,我们观察到在I0 = 14.54 mag时光度函数的不连续性。通过红色巨型分支(TRGB)的尖端识别此功能,并根据Lee,Freedman和Madore的校准采用-4.05±0.04的绝对TRGB幅度,我们获得的距离模量为18.59±0.09(随机)± 0.16(系统)mag。如果改用Cassisi&Salaris提供的理论上的TRGB校准,则得出的距离将大4%。此处报告的LMC距离模数为18.59±0.09,比通过造父变星的周期-发光度关系校准的银河外距离尺度最常用的值大0.09 mag(1σ)。我们的TRGB距离模数与基于Hipparcos视差的RR Lyrae到LMC的距离一致。最后,我们注意到,通过使用相同的MCPS数据,我们使用红色团块方法获得了18.29±0.03 mag的距离模量,与TRGB估计相比,该距离模量缩短了0.3 mag。




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