首页> 外文期刊>The Astrophysical journal >Red Light Curve of MWC 349 in the Years 1967-1981: Possible Periodicity

Red Light Curve of MWC 349 in the Years 1967-1981: Possible Periodicity

机译:1967-1981年MWC 349的红灯曲线:可能的周期性



The results of a red photographic photometry of the variable masing star MWC 349 are presented for 14 years, 1967–1981. Fourteen plates from the Harvard Damon collection were selected for the photometry. The plates were measured with the Cuffey iris photometer of the Maria Mitchell Observatory and were calibrated with the aid of two standard stars, both brighter than MWC 349. The magnitude of MWC 349 was then determined by extrapolation, assuming that the star is on the linear part of the calibration curve. In spite of larger errors, our results are in good agreement with one photoelectric observation made during the period covered. The obtained red light curve is indicative of periodic light variations. A combined Fourier–least-squares analysis gives a probable period of T = 9.1 ± 0.3 yr. The deduced period and phase of variations are not incompatible with the subsequent photoelectric photometry of Bergner et al. Possible mechanisms responsible for the periodic light variations are briefly discussed.
机译:1967年至1981年的14年中,对可变质量恒星MWC 349的红色照相光度法的结果进行了介绍。从哈佛大学戴蒙(Harvard Damon)藏品中选择了14个板进行光度测定。用玛丽亚·米切尔天文台的Cuffey虹膜光度计测量这些板,并借助两个均比MWC 349亮的标准星进行校准。然后,通过外推法确定MWC 349的大小,假设该恒星位于直线上校准曲线的一部分。尽管存在较大的误差,但我们的结果与本报告所述期间的一项光电观测结果非常吻合。所获得的红光曲线表示周期性的光变化。傅里叶最小二乘分析相结合得出的T值为9.1±0.3年。推导的周期和相位与随后的Bergner等人的光电光度法不兼容。简要讨论了造成周期性光变化的可能机制。




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