首页> 外文期刊>The Astrophysical journal >The Cuspy Liner Nucleus of the S0/a Galaxy NGC?2681*

The Cuspy Liner Nucleus of the S0/a Galaxy NGC?2681*

机译:S0 / a星系NGC?2681 *的锋利的衬里核



The nucleus of the bulge-dominated, multiply barred S0/a galaxy NGC?2681 is studied in detail using the high-resolution Hubble Space Telescope Faint Object Camera (FOC), Near-Infrared Camera and Multiobject Spectrometer (NICMOS) imaging, and the Faint Object Spectrograph (FOS). The ionized gas central velocity dispersion is found to increase by a factor ≈2 when narrowing the aperture from R ≈ 15 (ground) to R ≈ 01 (FOS). Dynamical modeling of these velocity dispersions suggests that NGC?2681 does host a supermassive black hole (BH) for which one can estimate a firm mass upper limit MBH 6 × 107 M☉. This upper limit is consistent with the relation between the central BH mass and velocity dispersion MBH - σ known for other galaxies. The emission-line ratios place the nucleus of NGC?2681 among LINERs. It is likely that the emission-line region comes from a rather mild, but steady, feeding of gas to the central BH in this galaxy. The inner stellar population lacks any measurable color gradient (to a radius of 0.6 kpc) from the infrared to the ultraviolet, consistently with FOC, FOS, and IUE data, all indicating that this system underwent a starburst ≈1 Gyr ago that encompassed its whole interior, down to its very center. The most likely source of such a widely distributed starburst is the dumping of tidally extruded gas from a galaxy neighbor. If so, then NGC?2681 can be considered as the older brother of M82, seen face-on as opposed to the edge-on view we have for M82.
机译:使用高分辨率哈勃太空望远镜微弱物镜(FOC),近红外相机和多物光谱仪(NICMOS)成像,对凸起为主,倍增禁止S0 /星系NGC?2681的原子核进行了详细研究。微弱的物体光谱仪(FOS)。当将孔径从R≈15(地面)缩小到R≈01(FOS)时,发现离子化气体的中心速度色散会增加≈2倍。这些速度色散的动力学模型表明,NGC?2681确实存在一个超大质量黑洞(BH),对此它可以估算出一个稳定的质量上限MBH 6×107M☉。该上限与其他星系已知的中心BH质量与速度色散MBH-σ之间的关系一致。发射谱线比率将线性神经网络中的NGC?2681原子核置于位置。发射线区域可能来自相当温和但稳定的向该星系中心BH的气体供应。内部恒星种群缺乏从红外到紫外线的任何可测量的颜色梯度(半径为0.6 kpc),与FOC,FOS和IUE数据一致,所有这些都表明该系统经历了大约1 Gyr星暴,涵盖了整个星系。内部,一直到中心。这种广泛分布的星爆最可能的来源是从银河系邻居倾倒潮汐挤出的气体。如果是这样的话,那么NGC?2681可以被视为M82的老大哥,与我们对M82的边缘观点相比,是面朝上的。




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