首页> 外文期刊>The Astrophysical journal >On the Influence of the Environment on the Star Formation Rates of a Sample of Galaxies in Nearby Compact Groups

On the Influence of the Environment on the Star Formation Rates of a Sample of Galaxies in Nearby Compact Groups




We present the results of a study of the star formation rates (SFRs) of a sample of disk galaxies in nearby compact groups compared with the SFRs of a sample of field galaxies. For this purpose, Hα luminosities and equivalent widths were derived for the galaxies of our sample. A direct comparison of the equivalent widths and Hα luminosities, normalized to the B luminosities and estimated area of the galaxies of both samples, yields the result that the median values of these quantities are almost identical for both samples, although the distributions for the compact-group sample are broader around the mean value than was found in the field galaxy sample. This result can be explained by assuming that although interactions between galaxies in compact groups can alter the SFRs, the median value of the normalized SFRs is preserved, being almost indistinguishable from the corresponding value for field galaxies. Measuring the global LHα/LB of the groups, including early-type galaxies, we find that most of the groups that show the highest level of LHα/LB with respect to a set of synthetic groups built out of field galaxies show tidal features in at least one of their members. Finally, we have explored the relationship between the ratio LHα/LB and several relevant dynamical parameters of the groups: velocity dispersion, crossing time, radius, and the mass-to-luminosity ratio, finding no clear correlation. This suggests that the exact dynamical state of a group does not control the SFR of the group as a whole. Our results are compatible with a scenario for compact groups of galaxies in which the dark matter of the group is arranged in a common halo, therefore preventing a fast collapse of the galaxies.
机译:我们提出的研究结果是,与紧凑型星系样本的盘状星系样本的恒星形成率(SFR)相比,实地星系样本的恒星形成率(SFR)更大。为此,我们得出了样本星系的Hα亮度和等效宽度。将两个样品的等效宽度和Hα亮度标准化为B亮度和星系的估计面积的直接比较得出的结果是,两个样品的这些量的中值几乎相同,尽管紧凑型的分布与野外星系样本相比,组样本的平均值范围更广。可以通过假设尽管紧凑群中的星系之间的相互作用可以改变SFR,但仍保留归一化SFR的中值,这与场星系的相应值几乎没有区别,从而可以解释该结果。测量包括早期型星系在内的各组的整体LHα/ LB,我们发现,相对于由野外星系组成的一组合成组,大多数显示最高水平的LHα/ LB的组均显示出潮汐特征。他们的至少一名成员。最后,我们探索了比率LHα/ LB与组中几个相关的动力学参数之间的关系:速度色散,穿越时间,半径和质发光比,没有发现明显的相关性。这表明组的确切动态状态不能控制整个组的SFR。我们的结果与紧凑型星系群的场景兼容,在该情形中,该群星系的暗物质排列在共同的光晕中,因此可以防止星系快速崩溃。




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