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The HELLAS2XMM Survey. VII. The Hard X-Ray Luminosity Function of AGNs up to z = 4: More Absorbed AGNs at Low Luminosities and High Redshifts

机译:HELLAS2XMM调查。七。高达z = 4的AGN的硬X射线光度函数:在低光度和高红移下吸收更多的AGN



We have determined the cosmological evolution of the density of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and of their NH distribution as a function of the unabsorbed 2-10 keV luminosity up to redshift 4. We used the HELLAS2XMM sample combined with other published catalogs, yielding a total of 508 AGNs. Our best fit is obtained with a luminosity-dependent density evolution (LDDE) model where low-luminosity (LX ~ 1043 ergs?s-1) AGNs peak at z ~ 0.7, while high-luminosity AGNs (LX 1045 ergs?s-1) peak at z ~ 2.0. A pure luminosity evolution model (PLE) can instead be rejected. There is evidence that the fraction of absorbed (NH 1022 cm-2) AGNs decreases with the intrinsic X-ray luminosity and increases with the redshift. Our best-fit solution provides a good fit to the observed counts, the cosmic X-ray background, and to the observed fraction of absorbed AGNs as a function of the flux in the 10-15 ergs cm-2 s-1 S2-10 10-10 ergs cm-2 s-1 range. We find that the absorbed, high-luminosity (LX 1044 ergs?s-1) AGNs have a density of 267 deg-2 at fluxes S2-10 10-15 ergs?cm-2 s-1. Using these results, we estimate a density of supermassive black holes in the local universe of ρBH = 3.2 h × 105 M☉ Mpc-3, which is consistent with the recent measurements of the black hole mass function in the local galaxies.
机译:我们已经确定了活动银河系原子核(AGNs)的密度和其NH分布的宇宙学演化与未吸收的2-10 keV光度的函数关系,直到红移4。总共508个AGN。我们的最佳拟合是通过光度依赖密度演化(LDDE)模型获得的,其中低光度(LX〜1043 ergs?s-1)AGN的峰值在z〜0.7,而高光度AGNs(LX> 1045 ergs?s- 1)在z〜2.0处达到峰值。可以拒绝纯发光度演化模型(PLE)。有证据表明,吸收的(NH> 1022 cm-2)AGN的分数随本征X射线光度降低,并随红移而增加。我们的最佳解决方案非常适合观察到的计数,宇宙X射线背景以及所观察到的吸收的AGN分数随10-15 ergs cm-2 s-1 1044 ergs?s-1)AGN在通量S2-10> 10-15 ergs?cm-2 s-1时的密度为267 deg-2。使用这些结果,我们估计了ρBH= 3.2 h×105M☉Mpc-3的局部宇宙中超质量黑洞的密度,这与最近对局部星系中黑洞质量函数的测量结果一致。




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