首页> 外文期刊>The Astrophysical journal >Strong Infrared Emission from the Extrasolar Planet HD 189733b

Strong Infrared Emission from the Extrasolar Planet HD 189733b

机译:HD 189733b太阳系外行星发出的强烈红外辐射



We report detection of strong infrared thermal emission from the nearby (d = 19 pc) transiting extrasolar planet HD 189733b by measuring the flux decrement during its prominent secondary eclipse. A 6 hr photometric sequence using Spitzer's infrared spectrograph in peak-up imaging mode at 16?μm shows the secondary eclipse depth to be 0.551% ± 0.030%, with accuracy limited by instrumental baseline uncertainties, but with 32 σ precision (σ = 0.017%) on the detection. The 16?μm brightness temperature of this planet (1117 ± 42 K) is very similar to the Spitzer detections of TrES-1 and HD 209458b, but the observed planetary flux (660?μJy) is an order of magnitude greater. This large signal will allow a detailed characterization of this planet in the infrared. Our photometry has sufficient signal-to-noise ratio (~400 per point) to motivate a search for structure in the ingress/egress portions of the eclipse curve, caused by putative thermal structure on the disk of the planet. We show that by binning our 6 s sampling down to ~6 minute resolution, we detect the modulation in the intensity derivative during ingress/egress due to the overall shape of the planet, but our sensitivity is not yet sufficient to distinguish between realistic models of the temperature distribution across the planet's disk. We point out the potential for extending Spitzer secondary eclipse detections down to the regime of transiting hot Neptunes, if such systems are discovered among nearby lower main-sequence stars.
机译:我们报告说,通过测量其次蚀期间的通量衰减,可以检测到附近(d = 19 pc)过渡的太阳系外行星HD 189733b的强烈红外热辐射。使用Spitzer红外光谱仪在峰值成像模式下以16?μm进行的6小时光度测定序列显示,次食深度为0.551%±0.030%,精度受到仪器基线不确定性的限制,但具有32σ精度(σ= 0.017%) )的检测。该行星的16μm亮度温度(1117±42 K)与TrES-1和HD 209458b的Spitzer检测非常相似,但观测到的行星通量(660μJy)大一个数量级。这个大信号将允许在红外中详细描述该行星。我们的光度学具有足够的信噪比(每点约400),以激发在日食曲线的入口/出口部分中搜索结构的动力,这是由行星盘上的假定热结构引起的。我们表明,通过将我们的6 s采样分到低至约6分钟的分辨率,我们可以检测到由于行星的整体形状而在进/出过程中强度导数的调制,但是我们的灵敏度尚不足以区分现实的行星模型。整个行星盘上的温度分布。我们指出,如果在附近的较低主序恒星中发现这样的系统,则有可能将斯皮策次月食的探测范围扩展到正在传播的海王星的状态。




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