首页> 外文期刊>The Astrophysical journal >Compact Star Clusters in M81. II. Two Populations*

Compact Star Clusters in M81. II. Two Populations*




We present the color and magnitude distributions of compact star clusters discovered in the early-type spiral galaxy M81, from Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 B, V, and I-band imaging. These clearly show the presence of two cluster populations—a typical red globular cluster system, as well as a young population, which was not previously known to exist in M81. While the young clusters in M81 are not as massive as those found in merging and starburst galaxies (for example, its neighbor M82), they more closely resemble the populous clusters in the Magellanic Clouds and M33 and similarly are found in all environments of M81. Further, the young clusters are more compact than their counterparts in M82, with core radii between 0.4 and 4.3 pc. The color-color diagram indicates that young cluster formation may have "turned on" ~600 Myr ago and continued until 6 Myr ago. The timescale of continued cluster formation in M81 coincides both with independent dynamical estimates for the last tidal encounter between M81 and M82, as well as with a peak in cluster formation recently discovered in the fossil starburst region B in M82. This suggests that interactions may have sparked the recent cluster formation in M81.
机译:我们介绍了在早期类型的旋涡星系M81中发现的紧凑型星团的颜色和大小分布,该星系来自哈勃太空望远镜广角行星相机2 B,V和I带成像。这些清楚地表明存在两个星团种群-一个典型的红色球状星团系统,以及一个年轻的种群,以前在M81中不存在。虽然M81中的年轻星团不像合并星爆炸星系中的星团那么大(例如,其邻近的M82),但它们更像麦哲伦星云和M33中的人口密集星团,并且在M81的所有环境中都类似。此外,年轻的星团比M82中的星团更紧凑,核心半径在0.4和4.3 pc之间。彩色图表表示年轻的星团形成可能在〜600 Myr之前“开启”,并一直持续到6 Myr之前。 M81持续形成团簇的时间尺度与M81和M82之间最后一次潮汐遭遇的独立动力学估计相吻合,并且与最近在M82的化石爆炸区域B中发现的团簇形成峰值相吻合。这表明相互作用可能激发了M81中最近的团簇形成。




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