首页> 外文期刊>The Astrophysical journal >Deep Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 Photometry of NGC 288. I. Binary Systems and Blue Stragglers*

Deep Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 Photometry of NGC 288. I. Binary Systems and Blue Stragglers*

机译:NGC 288的深哈勃太空望远镜WFPC2光度法。I.二进制系统和蓝色散布器*



We present the first results of a deep WFPC2 photometric survey of the loose galactic globular cluster NGC 288. The fraction of binary systems is estimated from the color distribution of objects near the main sequence (MS) with a method analogous to that introduced by Rubenstein & Bailyn. We have unequivocally detected a significant population of binary systems with a radial distribution that has been significantly influenced by mass segregation. In the inner region of the cluster (r < 1rh 1.6rc) the binary fraction (fb) lies in the range 0.08–0.38 regardless of the assumed distribution of mass ratios, F(q). The most probable fb lies between 0.10 and 0.20 depending on the adopted F(q). On the other hand, in the outer region (r ≥ 1rh), fb must be less than 0.10, and the most likely value is 0.0, independently of the adopted F(q). The detected population of binaries is dominated by primordial systems. The specific frequency of blue stragglers (BSs) is exceptionally high, suggesting that the BS production mechanism via binary evolution can be very efficient. A large population of BSs is possible even in low-density environments if a sufficient reservoir of primordial binaries is available. The observed distribution of BSs in the color-magnitude diagram is not compatible with a rate of BS production that has been constant in time, if it is assumed that all the BSs are formed by the merging of two stars.
机译:我们介绍了对松散的银河系球状星团NGC 288进行的深层WFPC2光度测量的第一个结果。二元系统的分数是根据与Rubenstein&拜林我们明确地检测到大量具有径向分布的二元系统,这些分布已受到质量隔离的显着影响。在团簇的内部区域(r <1rh 1.6rc),二元分数(fb)处于0.08–0.38的范围内,而与假定的质量比F(q)的分布无关。根据所采用的F(q),最可能的fb在0.10和0.20之间。另一方面,在外部区域(r≥1rh),fb必须小于0.10,最可能的值为0.0,与采用的F(q)无关。检测到的二进制文件数量由原始系统控制。蓝色散乱者(BS)的特定频率异常高,这表明通过二进制演化的BS产生机制可能非常有效。如果有足够的原始二进制存储库,则即使在低密度环境中,也可能会出现大量的BS。如果假设所有BS是由两颗星合并而成,则在色度图中观察到的BS分布与时间上恒定的BS生成速率不兼容。




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