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Infrared Spectra of Deimos (1-13 μm) and Phobos (3-13 μm)




The 3-13 μm spectra of Deimos and Phobos were obtained on the nights of 2003 August 19, 20, and 21 UT, within a week of opposition (August 28). Spectra in the 1.5-2.5 μm region were taken a few weeks earlier on July 26. Observations were made near greatest elongation for each satellite in order to minimize scattered light from Mars. The L, M, and narrowband N (10.2 μm) magnitudes for Deimos were 7.7 ± 0.1, 4.9 ± 0.1, and 0.79 ± 0.09, respectively. The L, M, and narrowband N (10.2 μm) magnitudes for Phobos were 6.4, 3.8, and -0.52, respectively, all ±0.07. The 5-12 μm color temperatures of Deimos and Phobos were 344 ± 5 and 357 ± 5 K, respectively, significantly higher than the blackbody thermal equilibrium temperature for either a fast rotator at Mars's heliocentric distance (237 K) or a slow rotator (282 K). The high brightness temperatures of Deimos and Phobos in the thermal infrared of 310-330 and 320-340 K, respectively, are not understood, but they are somewhat consistent with the high color temperatures. Within the errors, there was little evidence for spectral features indicative of surface composition, although there were some 1-2 σ variations that warrant further observations.
机译:Deimos和Phobos的3-13μm光谱是在2003年8月19日,UT和UT(反对派)一周之内(8月28日)获得的。 1.5-2.5μm区域的光谱是在7月26日的几周前拍摄的。为了使来自火星的散射光降到最低,对每个卫星进行了接近最大伸长率的观测。 Deimos的L,M和窄带N(10.2μm)大小分别为7.7±0.1、4.9±0.1和0.79±0.09。火卫一的L,M和窄带N(10.2μm)大小分别为6.4、3.8和-0.52,均为±0.07。 Deimos和Phobos的5-12μm色温分别为344±5和357±5 K,明显高于火星日心距离(237 K)或慢速旋转器(282)的黑体热平衡温度。 K)。尚不清楚Deimos和Phobos分别在310-330和320-340 K的热红外中的高亮度温度,但它们与高色温有些一致。在误差范围内,尽管有1-2σ的变化值得进一步观察,但几乎没有证据表明表面组成的光谱特征。




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