首页> 外文期刊>The Astrophysical journal >An Extended Grid of Nova Models. II. The Parameter Space of Nova Outbursts

An Extended Grid of Nova Models. II. The Parameter Space of Nova Outbursts




This paper is a sequel to an earlier paper devoted to multiple, multicycle nova evolution models (Prialnik & Kovetz, Paper I), which showed that the different characteristics of nova outbursts can be reproduced by varying the values of three basic and independent parameters: the white dwarf mass, MWD, the temperature of its isothermal core, TWD, and the mass transfer rate, . Here we show that the parameter space is constrained by several analytical considerations and find its limiting surfaces. Consequently, we extend the grid of multicycle nova evolution models presented in Paper I to its limits, adding multicycle nova outburst calculations for a considerable number of new parameter combinations. In particular, the extended parameter space that produces nova eruptions includes low mass transfer rates down to 5 × 10-13 M☉?yr-1 and more models for low TWD. Resulting characteristics of these runs are added to the former parameter combination results to provide a full grid spanning the entire parameter space for carbon-oxygen white dwarfs. The full grid covers the entire range of observed nova characteristics, even those of peculiar objects, which have not been numerically reproduced until now. Most remarkably, runs for very low lead to very high values for some characteristics, such as outburst amplitude A 20, high super-Eddington luminosities at maximum, heavy element abundance of the ejecta Zej ≈ 0.63, and high ejected masses mej ≈ 7 × 10-4 M☉.
机译:本文是先前针对多个多周期新星演化模型的论文(Prialnik&Kovetz,Paper I)的续篇,该论文表明,可以通过改变三个基本且独立参数的值来再现新星爆发的不同特征。白矮星质量MWD,等温核心温度TWD和传质速率。在这里,我们表明参数空间受到多种分析因素的约束,并找到其极限面。因此,我们将论文I中介绍的多周期新星演化模型的网格扩展到极限,并为大量新参数组合添加了多周期新星爆发计算。尤其是,产生新星爆发的扩展参数空间包括低至5×10-13 Myryr-1的低传质速率以及更多的低TWD模型。这些运行的结果特性被添加到先前的参数组合结果中,以提供一个覆盖整个碳氧白矮星参数空间的完整网格。整个网格覆盖了观察到的新星特征的整个范围,甚至包括至今尚未进行数值复制的特殊物体的特征。最引人注目的是,对于某些特征,极低的导频会导致很高的值,例如爆发振幅A 20,最大的超爱丁顿光度,最大的弹出元素Zej≈0.63的重元素丰度以及很高的弹出质量mej≈7×10 -4M☉。




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