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X-Ray Properties of NGC 1313: Second-Epoch PSPC Observations

机译:NGC 1313的X射线特性:第二次PSPC观测



Second-epoch ROSAT PSPC observations of the nearby barred spiral galaxy NGC 1313 show that the extended X-ray emission surrounding the bright "nuclear" source can be mostly attributed to at least three individual sources, each with LX(0.1-2.4keV) ≈ 1038–39 ergs s-1 and lying within ~2.6 kpc from the central source. One of these three sources shows up only as an extension of the nuclear source in the east-west direction but becomes more apparent after subtracting out the main source. We find no evidence for X-ray emission from hot, interstellar gas and show that if such emission is present, it has a surface brightness ≤5 × 1036 ergs s-1 arcmin-2 and an integrated X-ray luminosity less than ~5 × 1038 ergs s-1. We find that of the 10 point sources detected, four of them show definite signs of variability between the two epochs of PSPC data. We also discuss an attempted revision of the description of the point-spread function of the PSPC.
机译:对附近的禁止旋旋星系NGC 1313的第二次ROSAT PSPC观测表明,明亮的“核”源周围的扩展X射线发射主要可归因于至少三个单独的源,每个源具有LX(0.1-2.4keV) 1038–39 ergs s-1,距离中心震源约2.6 kpc。这三个来源之一仅显示为核源在东西方向上的延伸,但在减去主要来源后变得更加明显。我们没有发现星际气体从热源发出X射线的证据,并且表明存在这种情况时,它的表面亮度≤5×1036 ergs s-1 arcmin-2,并且综合X射线发光度小于〜5 ×1038 ergs s-1。我们发现,在检测到的10个点源中,有四个显示了PSPC数据两个时期之间的明显变化迹象。我们还讨论了PSPC点扩展功能描述的尝试修订版。




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