首页> 外文期刊>The Astrophysical journal >Infrared Properties of Star-forming Dwarf Galaxies. I. Dwarf Irregular Galaxies in the Local Volume*

Infrared Properties of Star-forming Dwarf Galaxies. I. Dwarf Irregular Galaxies in the Local Volume*

机译:形成恒星的矮星系的红外特性。 I.局部体积中的矮星不规则星系*



A sample of 34 dwarf irregular galaxies (dIs) in the Local Volume, most nearer than 5 Mpc, has been imaged in the near-infrared (NIR) in J and Ks at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) in Hawaii and the Observatorio Astronómico Nacional in the Sierra San Pedro Mártir, in Mexico. Absolute magnitudes in Ks range from -14 to -18. In the CFHT images, stars brighter than M ~ -7.5 were resolved. We show that the resolved component comprises more than 50% of the light from star formation bursts within the last 3 Gyr. In most cases, the resolved population down to M = -7.5 represents less than 5% of the total NIR flux in Ks, with fractions in J being 1.5–2 times larger. Thus, the NIR light of dIs can be considered to be predominantly contributed by stars older than about 4 Gyr. Although exponential at large radii, surface brightness profiles for the unresolved component flatten in the centers. They can be fitted across the whole range of radii with a hyperbolic secant (sech) defined as a function of two parameters: the central surface brightness and the scale length of the exponential. With respect to this model, only two galaxies (NGC 1569 and NGC 3738) show an excess of flux in the center, both of which are hosting starbursts. Isophotal, total, and fitted sech magnitudes have been calculated for all galaxies for which the unresolved component was detected, along with semimajor axes at μJ = 23 mag arcsec-2 and μ = 22 mag arcsec-2. The scale length and the semimajor axes correlate linearly with absolute isophotal magnitude. The same is true for colors and the central brightness. More luminous dIs tend to be larger, redder, and brighter in the center. The fraction of light contributed by young stars is independent of both luminosity and central surface brightness. The Tully-Fisher relation shows considerable scatter, but residuals are tied to surface brightness. The galaxies appear to lie in a "fundamental plane" defined by the sech absolute magnitude, the sech central surface brightness, and the H I line width. The rms of residuals in MK is only 0.4 mag, which implies that the plane can be used to evaluate the distances of star-forming dwarfs. Corrections for tilt do not reduce the residuals, so line widths must be governed predominantly by random motions. Color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) are presented for 29 galaxies in which stars were resolved. Most show a finger centered around J - Ks = 1 mag. In some cases, there is a red tail extending to J - Ks = 2.5 mag. Most color profiles constructed for the unresolved component show a remarkably constant J - Ks = 0.8–1.0 mag, matching the color of the finger in the CMDs.
机译:在夏威夷和加拿大的加拿大-法国-夏威夷望远镜(CFHT)的J和Ks的近红外(NIR)中,对本地体积中最接近5 Mpc的34个矮人不规则星系(dI)进行了采样。墨西哥塞拉圣佩德罗·马蒂尔山脉的天文台。 Ks的绝对值范围为-14至-18。在CFHT图像中,分辨出比M〜-7.5亮的恒星。我们表明,在最近的3个Gyr内,分辨出的分量包括来自恒星形成爆发的50%以上的光。在大多数情况下,低至M = -7.5的可分辨种群仅占Ks的总NIR通量的5%以下,而J的分数要大1.5–2倍。因此,可以认为dIs的NIR光主要是由年龄大于约4 Gyr的恒星贡献的。尽管在大半径处呈指数形式,但未解析组件的表面亮度轮廓在中心变平。它们可以在整个半径范围内拟合双曲线割线(sech),该割线定义为两个参数的函数:中心表面亮度和指数的标度长度。对于此模型,只有两个星系(NGC 1569和NGC 3738)中心的通量过剩,这两个星系都爆发了星暴。已计算出所有未检出分量的星系的等视,总和拟合的sech量值,以及半长轴,μJ= 23 mag arcsec-2和μ= 22 mag arcsec-2。标度长度和半长轴与绝对等视线幅度线性相关。颜色和中央亮度也是如此。发光的dI往往在中心更大,更红,更亮。年轻恒星贡献的光的分数与亮度和中心表面亮度无关。 Tully-Fisher关系显示出很大的分散性,但残差与表面亮度有关。这些星系似乎位于由sech绝对大小,sech中心表面亮度和H I线宽度定义的“基本平面”中。 MK中残差的均方根值仅为0.4 mag,这意味着该平面可用于评估恒星形成矮星的距离。倾斜校正不会减少残差,因此线宽必须主要由随机运动控制。给出了解决了恒星的29个星系的色度图(CMD)。大多数显示手指的中心是J-Ks = 1 mag。在某些情况下,会有一条红色的尾巴延伸到J-Ks = 2.5 mag。为未解决的成分构造的大多数颜色配置文件均显示出非常恒定的J-Ks = 0.8–1.0 mag,与CMD中的手指颜色相匹配。




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