首页> 外文期刊>The Astrophysical journal >The Radiative Transport of Dust in Primordial Galaxies and Second-Generation Star Formation

The Radiative Transport of Dust in Primordial Galaxies and Second-Generation Star Formation




We investigate the radiative transport of dust in primordial galaxies in the presence of the UV radiation field from the first metal-free stars. We find that dust created in the first supernova (SN) explosions can be driven through the interior of the SN remnant to accumulate in the SN shells, where second-generation stars may form from compressed cooling gas. This scenario requires metal-free stars to form continuously over timescales of up to 10 Myr, consistent with recent estimates. Silicate and graphite grains, as well as iron-bearing magnetites, are transported to the shells for reasonable parameter assumptions, but their relative yields from primordial SNe is an important factor in the resulting abundance ratios. We compare the results of segregated grain transport with the current nucleosynthetic data on extremely metal-poor Galactic halo stars. Fossil signatures of this process may already have been detected in those iron-poor stars with enhanced carbon and silicate elements such as magnesium, silicon and oxygen. We discuss the implications of our results for the transition from first- to second-generation star formation in primordial galaxies, and the role played by the radiative transport of dust in this process.
机译:我们研究了来自第一批无金属恒星的紫外线辐射场中原始星系中尘埃的辐射传输。我们发现,在第一次超新星(SN)爆炸中产生的尘埃可以被驱动通过SN残余物的内部积聚在SN壳中,在那里,第二代恒星可能由压缩的冷却气体形成。这种情况要求无金属恒星在长达10 Myr的时间尺度上连续形成,这与最近的估计一致。硅酸盐和石墨晶粒以及含铁磁铁矿会以合理的参数假设被运输到壳中,但是原始SNe的相对产率是导致最终丰度比的重要因素。我们将隔离的谷物运输结果与极贫金属的银河晕星上的当前核合成数据进行了比较。在那些铁和碳含量较高的硅铁元素(如镁,硅和氧)增强的贫铁恒星中,可能已经检测到该过程的化石特征。我们讨论了我们的结果对于原始星系从第一代到第二代恒星形成过渡的意义,以及在此过程中粉尘的辐射传输所起的作用。




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