首页> 外文期刊>The Astrophysical journal >On the Afterglow and Host Galaxy of GRB?021004: A Comprehensive Study with the Hubble Space Telescope*

On the Afterglow and Host Galaxy of GRB?021004: A Comprehensive Study with the Hubble Space Telescope*




We report on Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations of the late-time afterglow and host galaxy of GRB 021004 (z = 2.33). Although this gamma-ray burst (GRB) is one of the best observed so far in terms of sampling in the time domain, multiwavelength coverage, and polarimetric observations, there is substantial disagreement between different interpretations of data sets on this burst in the literature. We have observed the field of GRB 021004 with the HST at multiple epochs from 3 days until almost 10 months after the burst. With the STIS PRISM and G430L spectroscopy, we cover the spectral region from about 2000 to 5700 ?, corresponding to 600-1700 ? in the rest frame. From the limit on the flux recovery blueward of the Lyman limit, we constrain the H I column density to be above 1 × 1018 cm-2 (5 σ). On the basis of ACS and NICMOS imaging, we find that the afterglow evolved achromatically within the errors (any variation must be less than 5%) during the period of the HST observations. The color changes observed by other authors during the first 4 days must be related to a stochastic phenomenon superimposed on an afterglow component with a constant spectral shape. This achromaticity implies that the cooling break has remained on the blue side of the optical part of the spectrum for at least 2 weeks after the explosion. The optical-to-X-ray slope βOX is consistent with being the same at 1.4 and 52.4 days after the burst. This indicates that the cooling frequency is constant and, hence, according to fireball models, that the circumburst medium has a constant density profile. The late-time slope of the light curve (α2, Fν ∝ t) is in the range α2 = 1.8-1.9 and is inconsistent with a single power law. This could be due to a late-time flattening caused by the transition to nonrelativistic expansion or could be due to excess emission (a "bump" in the light curve) about 7 days after the burst. The host galaxy is, like most previously studied GRB hosts, a (very) blue starburst galaxy with no evidence for dust and with strong Lyα emission. The star formation rate of the host is about 10 M☉ yr-1 on the basis of both the strength of the UV continuum and the Lyα luminosity. The spectral energy distribution of the host implies an age in the range 30-100 Myr for the dominant stellar population. The afterglow was located very close (~100 pc) to the center of the host, implying that the progenitor was possibly associated with a circumnuclear starburst.
机译:我们在哈勃太空望远镜(HST)上报告了GRB 021004(z = 2.33)的后期余辉和宿主星系。尽管就时域采样,多波长覆盖和极化观测而言,这种伽马射线爆发(GRB)是迄今为止观察到的最好的信号之一,但文献中对这种爆发的数据集的不同解释之间存在很大的分歧。我们已经观察到GRB 021004的领域,其HST在爆发后的3天到几乎10个月内处于多个时期。借助STIS PRISM和G430L光谱,我们涵盖了大约2000至5700?的光谱区域,相当于600-1700?在其余的框架中。从Lyman极限的通量恢复极限向蓝色极限,我们将H I柱密度限制为高于1×1018 cm-2(5σ)。基于ACS和NICMOS成像,我们发现在HST观测期间,余辉在误差范围内(无任何变化都必须小于5%)消色差地发散。其他作者在开始的4天内观察到的颜色变化必须与叠加在具有恒定光谱形状的余辉分量上的随机现象有关。这种消色差意味着爆炸后至少2周,冷却中断已保留在光谱光学部分的蓝色面上。 X射线的光学斜率βOX与爆发后的1.4天和52.4天相同。这表明冷却频率是恒定的,因此根据火球模型,圆周介质具有恒定的密度分布。光曲线的后期斜率(α2,Fν∝ t)在α2= 1.8-1.9的范围内,与单次幂定律不一致。这可能是由于过渡到非相对论性膨胀而导致的后期扁平化,也可能是由于爆发后约7天的过度发射(光曲线中的“凸点”)造成的。像大多数以前研究过的GRB宿主一样,宿主星系是一个(非常)蓝色星爆星系,没有尘埃的证据,并且具有强烈的Lyα发射。基于UV连续体的强度和Lyα发光度,基质的恒星形成速率约为10M☉yr-1。宿主的光谱能量分布意味着占主导地位的恒星种群的年龄在30-100 Myr之间。余辉位于离宿主中心很近的地方(约100个pc),这意味着祖细胞可能与核周星爆有关。


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