首页> 外文期刊>The Astrophysical journal >Parsec-Scale Jet Polarization Properties of a Complete Sample of Active Galactic Nuclei at 43 GHz

Parsec-Scale Jet Polarization Properties of a Complete Sample of Active Galactic Nuclei at 43 GHz

机译:43 GHz有源银河核完整样品的Parsec尺度射流极化特性



We present results from the highest resolution polarization imaging survey of a complete sample of extragalactic radio sources carried out to date. Our sample consists of a statistically complete flat-spectrum subset of 32 active galactic nuclei (AGNs) from the Pearson-Readhead survey, which has been studied at a variety of wavelengths and resolutions, including space-VLBI. Our observations were made with the VLBA at 43 GHz, at which the relatively higher resolution and weaker opacity effects have allowed us to probe magnetic field structures in the jets of these AGNs much closer to the central engine than in previous studies. At 43 GHz, the bulk of the total intensity and polarized emission in most flat-spectrum AGNs originates from an unresolved core component located at the extreme end of a faint jet. The luminosity of the core is positively correlated with the total source luminosity in soft X-rays, in the optical, and at 5 GHz. The most strongly polarized cores display electric vectors that are preferentially aligned with the jet axis, which is consistent with a strong transverse shock that enhances the perpendicular component of the jet magnetic field. Sources with highly polarized cores also tend to have high optical polarizations and flatter overall radio spectra. Approximately half of the AGNs in our sample display apparently bent jet morphologies that are suggestive of streaming motions along a helical path. The straightest jets in the sample tend to display slower superluminal speeds than those that are significantly bent. Our observations also show that intrinsic differences in the jet magnetic field properties of BL Lac objects and quasars previously seen on scales of tens of milliarcseconds are also present in regions much closer to the base of the jet.
机译:我们提供了迄今为止对银河外无线电源的完整样本进行的最高分辨率极化成像调查的结果。我们的样本包含来自Pearson-Readhead调查的32个活跃银河核(AGN)的统计上完整的平谱子集,该子集已在各种波长和分辨率下进行了研究,包括空间VLBI。我们的观察是在43 GHz的VLBA上进行的,相对较高的分辨率和较弱的不透明性使我们能够比以前的研究更深入地研究这些AGN喷嘴中的磁场结构。在大多数GHz频谱AGN中,在43 GHz时,总强度和极化发射的大部分来自位于微弱射流末端的未解析核心成分。核心的发光度与软X射线,光学和5 GHz时的总源发光度呈正相关。极化最强的磁芯显示优先与射流轴对齐的电矢量,这与强烈的横向冲击相一致,从而增强了射流磁场的垂直分量。具有高极化芯的源也往往具有高光学极化和更平坦的整体无线电频谱。在我们的样本中,大约有一半的AGN表现出明显弯曲的射流形态,这暗示了沿螺旋路径的流运动。样品中最直的射流往往比明显弯曲的射流显示出更慢的超光速。我们的观察结果还表明,BL Lac物体和类星体的射流磁场特性的固有差异以前也以数十毫秒为单位出现在更靠近射流底部的区域。




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