首页> 外文期刊>The Astrophysical journal >Diagnosis of Stellar Winds and Temperature Structures in Be Stars through the Analysis of Mg II Lines

Diagnosis of Stellar Winds and Temperature Structures in Be Stars through the Analysis of Mg II Lines

机译:利用Mg II谱线诊断星恒星的风和温度结构。



We compute non-LTE Mg II line profiles for Be stars by considering 12 energy-level atoms and supposing that the circumstellar medium can be described by an expanding, spherically symmetric flow in which we assume the presence of a chromosphere. The line radiative transfer equation was solved rigorously in spherical coordinates and in the comoving frame. The Mg II line profiles predicted by this model coincide with those observed in some Be stars. The calculation was performed for a range of effective temperatures representative of the B spectral type. We have also analyzed the influence on the line profiles of different temperature and velocity distributions in the circumstellar material. The line spectrum variability of a Be star is interpreted as the result of a variable outward mass flux.
机译:我们通过考虑12个能级原子并假设通过假设存在色球的扩张球对称流来描述星际介质,来计算Be星的非LTE Mg II线剖面。线辐射传递方程是在球坐标系和共同运动框架中严格求解的。该模型预测的Mg II线廓线与某些Be星中观测到的相符。针对代表B光谱类型的有效温度范围进行了计算。我们还分析了星际物质中不同温度和速度分布对线形的影响。 Be星的线谱变异性被解释为向外质量通量变化的结果。




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