首页> 外文期刊>Pediatric Research >Photooxidation of Parenteral Multivitamins Induces Hepatic Steatosis in a Neonatal Guinea Pig Model of Intravenous Nutrition

Photooxidation of Parenteral Multivitamins Induces Hepatic Steatosis in a Neonatal Guinea Pig Model of Intravenous Nutrition




Photooxidation of multivitamin solutions results in the generation of peroxides. Because peroxides are associated with hepatic steatosis and fibrosis as well as cholestasis, we questioned whether multivitamins are implicated in hepatic complications of parenteral nutrition. Guinea pig pups were assigned to groups receiving intravenously either total parenteral nutrition, photo-protected or not, or a control solution (5% dextrose + 0.45% NaCl) supplemented with either a) multivitamins; b) photo-protected multivitamins; c) multivitamins without riboflavin; or d) peroxides (H2O2, tert-butylhydroperoxide). After 4 d, liver was sampled for histology and isoprostane-F2α levels, a marker of radical attack. Multivitamins as well as total parenteral nutrition were associated with steatosis (scored 0–4), the severity of which was reduced (p 2O2 is the major peroxide contaminating multivitamins, it did not induce steatosis scores different than the controls. Compared with controls, hepatic isoprostane-F2α content increased in animals infused with H2O2 (p Abbreviations: C, control; CVI, Cernevit multivitamins; MVP, Multi-12 pediatric multivitamins; MVI, pediatric multivitamins; TBH, tert-butylhydroperoxide; TPN, total parenteral nutrition
机译:多种维生素溶液的光氧化导致过氧化物的产生。由于过氧化物与肝脂肪变性,纤维化以及胆汁淤积相关,因此我们质疑复合维生素是否与肠外营养的肝并发症有关。将豚鼠幼犬分为接受总肠胃外营养,接受或不接受光保护的静脉内营养组,或接受补充有两种或多种维生素的对照溶液(5%葡萄糖+ 0.45%NaCl)的组。 b)受光保护的多种维生素; c)不含核黄素的多种维生素;或d)过氧化物(H2O2,叔丁基氢过氧化物)。 4 d后,从肝脏取样进行组织学检查和异前列腺素F2α水平,这是自由基攻击的标志。多种维生素以及总的肠胃外营养与脂肪变性相关(得分为0-4),其严重程度有所降低(p 2O2是主要的过氧化物污染的多种维生素,其诱导脂肪变性的得分与对照组相比没有差异。注入H2O2的动物体内异前列腺素F2α含量增加(p缩写:C,对照; CVI,Cernevit多种维生素; MVP,多种12种儿科多种维生素; MVI,儿科多种维生素; TBH,叔丁基过氧化氢; TPN,全胃肠外营养




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