首页> 外文期刊>Pediatric Research >Antigen Absorption in Bacterial Diarrhea: In Vivo Intestinal Transport of |[beta]|-Lactoglobulin in Rabbits Infected with the Entero-Adherent Escherichia coli Strain RDEC-1

Antigen Absorption in Bacterial Diarrhea: In Vivo Intestinal Transport of |[beta]|-Lactoglobulin in Rabbits Infected with the Entero-Adherent Escherichia coli Strain RDEC-1




We studied the absorption of both antigenic and degraded β-lactoglobulin (β-LG) from the ileum to the portal blood, in rabbits infected at weaning with the enteroadherent Escherichia coli strain RDEC-1. The infection was characterized by high bacterial excretion from days 7 to 18 postinfection (pi), acute diarrhea for 10 days, and considerable growth retardation. Intestinal absorption of (β-LG was measured at four stages of the infection: early (day 3 pi), peak (day 10 pi), late (day 18 pi), and recovery (day 30 pi). During the 30-day period of infection, age-matched control rabbits exhibited a significant decrease in antigenic and degraded β-LG absorption. In both control and infected animals, more than 90% of the β-LG was absorbed by a degrading pathway and the remainder in antigenic form by a minor pathway. RDEC-1 infection significantly raised antigenic β-LG absorption from days 10 to 30 pi, which delayed the decrease that normally occurs with age. Degraded β-LG absorption was not modified by the infection, except for a slight increase observed at the recovery stage (day 30 pi). These results suggest that RDEC-1 diarrhea increases absorption of food antigens. The subsequent local or systemic immune responses are not known, but pathologic consequences are possible in susceptible individuals.
机译:我们研究了断肠感染肠黏附性大肠杆菌RDEC-1断奶的兔子从回肠到门血的抗原和降解的β-乳球蛋白(β-LG)的吸收。感染的特征是感染后第7至18天细菌排泄量很高(pi),急性腹泻持续10天,并且生长发育迟缓。在感染的四个阶段测量了(β-LG的)肠道吸收:早期(感染后第3天),高峰(感染后第10天),晚期(感染后第18天)和恢复(感染后第30天)。在30天内在感染期间,年龄相匹配的对照兔的β-LG抗原吸收和降解均显着降低,在对照动物和感染动物中,超过90%的β-LG被降解途径吸收,其余的在抗原中RDEC-1感染从感染后第10天到第30天显着提高了抗原性β-LG的吸收,这延迟了正常情况下随着年龄的增长而下降;除了轻微的感染外,β-LG的降解没有被改变在恢复阶段(每天pi 30天)观察到的RPD-1升高,这些结果表明RDEC-1腹泻会增加食物抗原的吸收,随后的局部或全身免疫反应尚不清楚,但对易感人群可能造成病理后果。




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