首页> 外文期刊>Pediatric Research >Effects of Nursing on Growth and Development of Small Bowel Mucosa in Newborn Piglets

Effects of Nursing on Growth and Development of Small Bowel Mucosa in Newborn Piglets




Trophic factors in natural milk are potential mediators of the rapid growth of intestine in neonates. To determine whether nursing stimulates growth and development of small bowel mucosa, litters of piglets were divided into suckled and artificially reared groups at birth. The latter animals were raised in an automated feeding device (Autosow) with an artificial diet simulating the nutritional composition of sow milk. At 2, 8, and 15 d of age, animals were killed and 10-cm segments of jejunum, mid-bowel, and ileum were removed. Mucosal homogenates were prepared for enzyme assay and measurement of mucosal mass. Mean body weight, total length of bowel, and circumference of bowel segments did not differ between the two feeding groups at any age studied. As anticipated, mean mucosal ornithine decarboxylase activity decreased (p p 3H-thymidine incorporation in Swiss 3T3 cells in vitro. Colostrum, but not artificial diet, stimulated greater incorporation of 3H-thymidine than culture medium alone (p in vitro. Neither epidermal growth factor nor IGF-I alone in colostrum appears to be required for this mitogenic effect.
机译:天然牛奶中的营养因子是新生儿肠道快速生长的潜在介质。为了确定护理是否能刺激小肠粘膜的生长和发育,仔猪的产仔分为出生时的哺乳组和人工饲养的组。后者的动物在自动喂食装置(Autosow)中进行饲养,并采用人工饮食模拟母猪的营养成分。在第2、8和15天龄时,将动物处死并取出10厘米长的空肠,中肠和回肠。制备粘膜匀浆用于酶测定和粘膜质量的测量。在任何研究年龄的两个喂养组之间,平均体重,肠总长度和肠段的周长没有差异。如预期的那样,平均粘膜鸟氨酸脱羧酶活性降低(体外瑞士3T3细胞中pp 3H-胸苷掺入。初乳而非人工饮食比单独的培养基刺激3H-胸苷的掺入量更大(体外p。表皮生长因子和这种促有丝分裂作用似乎仅需要初乳中的IGF-I。




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