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A hypothalamic syndrome characterized by hypernatremia, adipsia, hyperprolactenemia and high threshhold for vasopressin release




Adipsia with high threshhold for vasopressin release was diagnosed in a 9-year-old girl with episodes of muscular weakness,hypernatremia (Na 162-175 mEq/L) ↑ BUN, ↓ Hb and ↓ platelets,and urine osmolality 800-1400 mOsm/L.The levels of serum prolactin,FSH,LH, and estrogens (306 pg/ml) were high.She was obese with normal linear growth,and mentality,and Tanner II pubic hair. Thirst was not sensed even with serum osm.of 365 mOsm/L Prolactin decreased after hypertonic saline infusion (1640 to 1200 mIU/ml) and after L-DOPA (1600 to 600). Thyroid,and adrenal function,and muscle enzymes were normal.CT brain scans,the last one two years after initial symptomatology,were normal.The forcing of fluids (1500 ml/day) resulted in clinical improvement,normalization of serum Na,BUN,Hb and platelets and the appearance of regular menses.Prolactin,LH,and FSH did not change.The pathophysiologic implications will be discussed. It is postulated that the biochemical findings might have been caused by hypothalamitis (autoimmune?) with selective dysfunction of the thirst center,osmolar receptor-vasopressin release complex and the centers for LHRH and prolactin regulation.
机译:一名9岁女孩患有肌肉无力,高钠血症(Na 162-175 mEq / L)↑BUN,↓Hb和↓血小板以及尿渗透压800-1400 mOsm / L.血清催乳素,FSH,LH和雌激素水平(306 pg / ml)高。她肥胖,具有正常的线性生长,心态和Tanner II阴毛。即使在高渗盐水(1640至1200 mIU / ml)和L-DOPA(1600至600)输注后365 mOsm / L催乳素也没有感觉到口渴。甲状腺,肾上腺功能和肌肉酶均正常。CT脑扫描,自最初症状出现后的最后两年,均正常。液体(1500 ml /天)的施力导致临床改善,血清Na,BUN正常,血红蛋白和血小板以及正常月经的出现。催乳素,左半胱氨酸和FSH不变。将讨论其病理生理意义。据推测,生化结果可能是由下丘脑炎(自身免疫性?)引起的,其具有口渴中心,渗透压受体-加压素释放复合物以及LHRH和催乳素调节中心的选择性功能障碍。




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