首页> 外文期刊>Pediatric Research >Developmental Changes in the Oxygen Equilibrium Curve of Infants as Related to the |[lsquo]|Functioning DPG Fraction|[rsquo]| and Its Alteration with Disease

Developmental Changes in the Oxygen Equilibrium Curve of Infants as Related to the |[lsquo]|Functioning DPG Fraction|[rsquo]| and Its Alteration with Disease

机译:婴儿的氧平衡曲线的发育变化与| [lsquo] |功能性DPG馏分| [rsquo] |相关及其与疾病的关系



The red cell organic phosphate 2, 3-diphosphoglycerate (DPG) has been shown to bind to adult hemoglobin and decrease its affinity for oxygen while it has little effect on altering the oxygen equilibrium curve of fetal hemoglobin. Sequential studies of the P50 (partial pressure of oxygen at which hemoglobin is 50% saturated), fetal hemoglobin and red cell DPG were performed in 31 term and 28 premature infants. In term infants the P50 averaged 19.4 mm Hg on day 1; 20.6 on day 5; 26.6 at 3–4 months amd 28.0 at 6 months (normal adults 27.5=0.8). The initial P50 of the premature infants was lower and its change with age more gradual. The P50 did not correlate precisely with the percent fetal hemoglobin alone or the DPG alone but correlated significantly with the product of the percent adult hemoglobin times the DPG content (‘functioning DPG fraction’). Calculations indicate that the term infants at age 3 months with a hemoglobin of 11.0 g% is delivering more oxygen to his tissues at a mean venous PO2 of 40 mm Hg than is the newborn with a hemoglobin of 17.0 g%. sick infants were found to have low P50's and DPG levels. Infants given either simple or exchange transfusions of fresh adult blood showed an increased ‘functioning DPG fraction’, a shift of the oxygen equilibrium curve to the right and their oxygen unloading capacity reached that of a 6-month infant. Such treatment appears useful in the sick infant because it facilitates peripheral oxygen delivery to the tissues.
机译:红细胞有机磷酸酯2,3-二磷酸甘油酸酯(DPG)已显示与成人血红蛋白结合并降低其对氧气的亲和力,而对改变胎儿血红蛋白的氧气平衡曲线影响很小。对31名足月和28名早产儿进行了P50(血红蛋白饱和度为50%的氧气分压),胎儿血红蛋白和红细胞DPG的顺序研究。在足月婴儿中,第一天的P50平均为19.4毫米汞柱;第5天20.6; 3-4个月时为26.6,6个月时为28.0(正常成人为27.5 = 0.8)。早产儿的初始P50较低,并且随着年龄的增长逐渐变化。 P50与单独的胎儿血红蛋白百分比或单独的DPG并不精确相关,但与成人血红蛋白百分比乘以DPG含量(“功能性DPG分数”)的乘积显着相关。计算表明,与血红蛋白为17.0 g%的新生儿相比,血红蛋白为11.0 g%的3个月大的婴儿以40 mm Hg的平均静脉血PO2向组织输送的氧气更多。发现患病的婴儿的P50和DPG水平较低。接受简单或成人新鲜血液输注的婴儿的“功能性DPG分数”增加,氧平衡曲线向右移动,其氧负荷能力达到6个月婴儿的水平。这样的治疗在患病的婴儿中似乎是有用的,因为它促进了外围氧气向组织的输送。




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