首页> 外文期刊>Pediatrics: Official Publication of the American Academy of Pediatrics >Household Food Insecurity and Overweight Status in Young School Children: Results From the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study

Household Food Insecurity and Overweight Status in Young School Children: Results From the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study




OBJECTIVE. Recent work on the determinants of obesity has shown a positive association between household food insecurity and overweight status in adult women, yet research exploring this issue in children has been inconclusive. In this study we examine the association between food insecurity and overweight status in young school children by using a large, nationally representative sample.METHODS. Data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Kindergarten Cohort (ECLS-K) were analyzed. Replicate heights and weights were measured on kindergarten children ( N = 16889) in the spring of 1999. Children with a body mass index ≥95th percentile of their gender-specific BMI-for-age chart were considered overweight. Food-insecurity status was assessed by using the full 18-question US Department of Agriculture Household Food Security Scale. Multivariate logistic regression was used to assess the relationship between overweight and food-insecurity status while controlling for potential demographic, socioeconomic, and behavioral confounders.RESULTS. Overall, 11.2% of the girls and 11.8% of the boys were overweight. Children from food-insecure households were 20% less likely to be overweight than their food-secure counterparts. Similar results on the food-insecurity/overweight link were found across a range of different models and expressions for key variables. Positive predictors of overweight status included low physical activity, television watching for 2 hours/day, high birth weight, black or Latino ethnicity, and low income.CONCLUSIONS. There are strong arguments for reducing food insecurity among households with young children. This research suggests that these arguments would be based on reasons other than a potential link to obesity. Low activity levels and excessive television watching, however, were strongly related to overweight status, a finding that supports continued efforts to intervene in these areas.
机译:目的。关于肥胖症决定因素的最新研究表明,成年女性的家庭粮食不安全状况与超重状况之间存在正相关关系,但对儿童探讨这一问题的研究尚无定论。在这项研究中,我们通过使用具有全国代表性的大样本研究了年幼儿童食品不安全状况与超重状况之间的关系。分析了来自儿童早期纵向研究-幼儿园队列(ECLS-K)的数据。在1999年春季,对幼儿园的儿童(N = 16889)进行了重复的身高和体重测量。体重指数≥其性别特定的BMI年龄表的95%的儿童被视为超重。粮食不安全状况通过使用完整的18个问题的美国农业部家庭粮食安全量表进行评估。在控制潜在的人口统计学,社会经济因素和行为混杂因素的同时,使用多元逻辑回归分析评估超重与粮食不安全状况之间的关系。总体而言,女孩超重的比例为11.2%,男孩为11.8%。来自粮食不安全家庭的儿童超重的可能性比粮食安全家庭的儿童低20%。在一系列针对关键变量的不同模型和表达式中,发现了与粮食不安全/超重相关的类似结果。超重状态的积极预测因素包括低运动量,每天看电视> 2小时/天,高出生体重,黑人或拉丁裔和低收入。关于减少有小孩的家庭中的粮食不安全问题,有强烈的争论。这项研究表明,这些论点将基于与肥胖的潜在联系以外的原因。然而,低运动量和过度观看电视与超重状态密切相关,这一发现支持了继续努力干预这些领域的努力。




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