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Comparison of Accidental and Nonaccidental Traumatic Head Injury in Children on Noncontrast Computed Tomography




OBJECTIVE. Mixed-density convexity subdural hematoma and interhemispheric subdural hematoma suggest nonaccidental head injury. The purpose of this retrospective observational study is to investigate subdural hematoma on noncontrast computed tomography in infants with nonaccidental head injury and to compare these findings in infants with accidental head trauma for whom the date of injury was known.PATIENTS AND METHODS. Two blinded, independent observers retrospectively reviewed computed tomography scans with subdural hematoma performed on the day of presentation on 9 infant victims of nonaccidental head injury (mean age: 6.8 months; range: 1–25 months) and on 38 infants (mean age: 4.8 months; range: newborn to 34 months) with accidental head trauma (birth-related: 19; short fall: 17; motor vehicle accident: 2).RESULTS. Homogeneous hyperdense subdural hematoma was significantly more common in children with accidental head trauma (28 of 38 [74%]; nonaccidental head trauma: 3 of 9 [33%]), whereas mixed-density subdural hematoma was significantly more common in cases of nonaccidental head injury (6 of 9 [67%]; accidental head trauma: 7 of 38 [18%]). Twenty-two (79%) subdural hematomas were homogeneously hyperdense on noncontrast computed tomography performed within two days of accidental head trauma, one (4%) was homogeneous and isodense compared to brain tissue, one (4%) was homogeneous and hypodense, and four (14%) were mixed-density. There was no statistically significant difference in the proportion of interhemispheric subdural hematoma, epidural hematoma, calvarial fracture, brain contusion, or subarachnoid hemorrhage.CONCLUSIONS. Homogeneous hyperdense subdural hematoma is more frequent in cases of accidental head trauma; mixed-density subdural hematoma is more frequent in cases of nonaccidental head injury but may be observed within 48 hours of accidental head trauma. Interhemispheric subdural hematoma is not specific for inflicted head injury.
机译:目的。混合密度凸性硬膜下血肿和半球间硬膜下血肿提示意外的颅脑损伤。这项回顾性观察研究的目的是研究非偶然性颅脑损伤婴儿的硬膜下硬膜下血肿,以进行非对比计算机断层扫描,并比较已知颅脑意外受伤的婴儿的意外发现。患者和方法。在报告当天,两名失明的独立观察员回顾性分析了硬膜下血肿的计算机断层扫描,对9例非意外头部受伤的婴儿受害者(平均年龄:6.8个月;范围:1–25个月)和38例婴儿(平均年龄:4.8)个月;范围:新生儿至34个月),头部意外受伤(与出生有关:19;跌倒:17;机动车事故:2)。均发性高密度硬脑膜下血肿在儿童意外头部外伤中更为普遍(38/28 [74%];非偶然性头部外伤:9/3 [33%]),而混合密度硬膜下血肿在非意外的情况下则更为常见头部受伤(9人中有6人[67%];头部意外受伤:38人中有7人[18%])。 22例(79%)硬膜下硬膜下血肿在意外头部外伤后两天内进行了非对比计算机断层扫描,与脑组织相比均匀(1%(4%))是等密度的,一(4%)是均匀且低密度的;有四个(14%)是混合密度。结论:半球间硬膜下血肿,硬膜外血肿,颅骨骨折,脑挫伤或蛛网膜下腔出血的比例无统计学意义。均匀的高密度硬脑膜下血肿在意外头部外伤的情况下更为常见。在非偶然性颅脑外伤的情况下,混合密度的硬脑膜下血肿更为常见,但在意外颅脑外伤的48小时内可能会观察到。半球间硬膜下血肿并非特定于所致的头部受伤。




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