
Health Care Needs of Indochinese Refugee Teenagers




Although 50% of Indochinese refugees are under 18 years of age, previous studies have emphasized the prevalence of parasites, anemia, tuberculosis, and hepatitis, with few addressing age-related health care needs. In this study the specific health care needs of 80 Indochinese refugee teenagers, evaluated during a 4-year period, were determined. The Centers for Disease Control's suggested screening measures were used, and it was found that 52% had positive purified protein derivative skin tests, 38% lacked immunizations, 35% had stool specimens positive for parasites (prevalence and number of parasites greatest among Cambodians), 14% had blood tests positive for hepatitis B surface antigen, and 10% were anemic. Additional evaluations showed that 19% had hemoglobinopathies, 14% were in or below the fifth percentile for height and weight, 12% had goiters, 12% had skin disorders, 8% had positive hepatitis B surface antigen, 5% had visual defects, 5% had hearing loss, 5% had psychosomatic illness, and 4% had idiopathic scoliosis. Although suggested Centers for Disease Control screening measures may be adequate for younger Indochinese children, these data suggest that additional studies are necessary for teenagers. For the sexually active adolescent, identification of and counseling for hepatitis antigenemia and hemoglobinopathies are crucial. In addition, early identification of emotional and physical problems during screening may enhance assimilation into a new society and facilitate completion of the psychosocial tasks of adolescence.
机译:尽管50%的印度支那难民不到18岁,但以前的研究强调了寄生虫,贫血,结核病和肝炎的流行,很少满足年龄相关的医疗保健需求。在这项研究中,确定了在四年内评估的80名印度支那难民青少年的特定医疗保健需求。使用了疾病控制中心建议的筛查措施,发现52%的纯化蛋白衍生物皮肤试验阳性,38%的免疫接种未免疫,35%的粪便标本中的寄生虫呈阳性(柬埔寨人中寄生虫的发生率和寄生虫数量最大), 14%的血液检查对乙型肝炎表面抗原呈阳性,而10%的贫血。其他评估显示,有19%的患者有血红蛋白病,身高和体重的5%或以下是14%,甲状腺肿有12%,皮肤病为12%,乙型肝炎表面抗原阳性为8%,视力缺陷为5%,5 %有听力下降,5%有心身疾病,4%有特发性脊柱侧弯。尽管建议的疾病控制中心筛查措施可能适合印度支那年幼的儿童,但这些数据表明,青少年还需要进行其他研究。对于性活跃的青少年,肝炎抗原血症和血红蛋白病的鉴定和咨询至关重要。此外,在筛查期间及早发现情绪和身体问题可能会促进对新社会的吸收,并有助于完成青春期的社会心理任务。




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