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3D Tracking via Shoe Sensing




Most location-based services are based on a global positioning system (GPS), which only works well in outdoor environments. Compared to outdoor environments, indoor localization has created more buzz in recent years as people spent most of their time indoors working at offices and shopping at malls, etc. Existing solutions mainly rely on inertial sensors (i.e., accelerometer and gyroscope) embedded in mobile devices, which are usually not accurate enough to be useful due to the mobile devices’ random movements while people are walking. In this paper, we propose the use of shoe sensing (i.e., sensors attached to shoes) to achieve 3D indoor positioning. Specifically, a short-time energy-based approach is used to extract the gait pattern. Moreover, in order to improve the accuracy of vertical distance estimation while the person is climbing upstairs, a state classification is designed to distinguish the walking status including plane motion (i.e., normal walking and jogging horizontally), walking upstairs, and walking downstairs. Furthermore, we also provide a mechanism to reduce the vertical distance accumulation error. Experimental results show that we can achieve nearly 100% accuracy when extracting gait patterns from walking/jogging with a low-cost shoe sensor, and can also achieve 3D indoor real-time positioning with high accuracy.
机译:大多数基于位置的服务都是基于全球定位系统(GPS)的,该系统仅在室外环境中才能正常运行。与室外环境相比,近年来,由于人们大部分时间在办公室,商场等室内室内工作,室内本地化引起了更多关注。现有解决方案主要依赖于嵌入在移动设备中的惯性传感器(例如,加速度计和陀螺仪) ,由于人们走路时移动设备的随机运动,通常不够准确,无法使用。在本文中,我们建议使用鞋子感应(即连接到鞋子的传感器)来实现3D室内定位。具体而言,使用基于能量的短时方法来提取步态模式。此外,为了提高在人上楼时垂直距离估计的准确性,设计了状态分类以区分步行状态,包括平面运动(即,正常的步行和水平慢跑),上楼和下楼步行。此外,我们还提供了一种减少垂直距离累积误差的机制。实验结果表明,使用低成本的鞋类传感器从步行/慢跑中提取步态模式时,可以达到近100%的精度,并且还可以实现高精度的3D室内实时定位。




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