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The Nordic EMBL Partnership – a paragon of collaboration




Scientific progress moves on a high‐speed train, creating an exponential growth in knowledge. Scientists unavoidably focus and specialize in their topic, digging into the depths of microscopic detail. While this is an essential approach towards discovery, the process of specializing will take the scientists’ vision further away from a comprehensive understanding, which takes us to the importance of collaboration. Funding agencies today encourage collaborations to obtain a broader vision and foster creativity through the bridging of disciplines. With this in mind, a partnership was initiated in 2007 between the University of Oslo, Ume? University, the University of Helsinki and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), with the aim of creating a highly competitive network of institutes and facilities dedicated to Molecular Medicine. The partnership was renewed in 2013 with the addition of a Danish node to the Network, upon the opening of the Danish Research Institute of Translational Neuroscience at Aarhus University. In addition to the partnership between the nodes, each of the Nordic research centres engages in collaborations with other national partners, including research and public health institutes, hospitals and research councils, to establish an extensive Nordic network for Molecular Medicine. We interviewed Jaakko Kaprio, who was interim Director of the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM) until January 2018; Bernt Eric Uhlin, Director of Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS); Kjetil Taskén, Director of the Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway (NCMM); and Poul Nissen, Director of the Danish Research Institute of Translational Neuroscience (DANDRITE) as well as Silke Schumacher, Director of International Relations at EMBL, to bring an exemplary model of collaboration into the limelight. Professor Jaakko Kaprio, former Director of FIMM. Photo: Veikko SomerpuroFIMMFIMM was founded in 2006 as an initiative to establish an international Molecular Medicine Research Centre in Finland. Besides the University of Helsinki, the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa and the National Institute for Health and Welfare were involved in the establishment of the Institute. The Ministry of Education as well as The City of Helsinki and several national foundations, provided financial support for the establishment phase. In the beginning of 2017, FIMM joined the University of Helsinki's new life science research centre, Helsinki Institute of Life Science (HiLIFE), as a scientifically and financially independent operational unit.The mission of the institute is to improve the precise diagnosis and treatment of disease, and benefit public health, by promoting translational research and the adoption of personalised medicine in health care. To reach these goals, a new type of research institute was created, where molecular medicine research is integrated with cutting‐edge technology platforms and a biobanking infrastructure under one roof, strongly focusing on a few scientific ‘grand challenges’. These Grand Challenge programmes provide an opportunity to align the research projects on large and complex issues and draw researchers, technology experts and clinical collaborators together to achieve a common goal through collaboration.
机译:科学进步在高速火车上前进,从而使知识呈指数增长。科学家们不可避免地会集中精力并专注于他们的主题,深入研究微观细节。尽管这是发现的必不可少的方法,但是专业化的过程将使科学家的视野远离全面的了解,这使我们意识到了协作的重要性。如今,资助机构鼓励通过合作来获得更广阔的视野,并通过学科之间的桥梁来培养创造力。考虑到这一点,奥斯陆大学(Ume)于2007年发起了合作关系。大学,赫尔辛基大学和欧洲分子生物学实验室(EMBL),目的是建立一个高度竞争的分子医学研究机构和设施网络。 2013年,随着奥尔胡斯大学丹麦转化神经科学研究所的开放,该合作伙伴关系得到了更新,并在网络中增加了丹麦节点。除了节点之间的伙伴关系之外,每个北欧研究中心还与其他国家合作伙伴(包括研究和公共卫生机构,医院和研究委员会)进行合作,以建立广泛的北欧分子医学网络。我们采访了直到2018年1月担任芬兰分子医学研究所(FIMM)临时主任的Jaakko Kaprio;瑞典分子感染医学(MIMS)总监Bernt Eric Uhlin;挪威分子医学中心(NCMM)主任KjetilTask​​én;丹麦转化神经科学研究所(DANDRITE)主任Poul Nissen以及EMBL国际关系主任Silke Schumacher共同提出了典范的合作模式。 FIMM前董事Jaakko Kaprio教授。摄影:Veikko SomerpuroFIMMFIMM成立于2006年,旨在在芬兰建立国际分子医学研究中心。除了赫尔辛基大学以外,赫尔辛基和新墨西哥州的医院区以及国家健康与福利研究所都参与了该研究所的成立。教育部,赫尔辛基市和一些国家基金会为成立阶段提供了资金支持。 2017年初,FIMM加入了赫尔辛基大学新成立的生命科学研究中心赫尔辛基生命科学研究所(HiLIFE),成为科学上和财务上独立的业务部门,该研究所的任务是改善对肝癌的精确诊断和治疗。通过促进转化研究和在医疗保健中采用个性化医学来改善疾病和造福公共健康。为了实现这些目标,创建了一种新型的研究机构,该机构将分子医学研究与尖端技术平台和生物银行基础设施整合在一起,将重点放在一些科学“重大挑战”上。这些“大挑战”计划提供了一个机会,可以就大型和复杂问题调整研究项目,并将研究人员,技术专家和临床合作者召集在一起,以通过协作实现共同的目标。



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