首页> 外文期刊>FEBS Letters >Bcl‐rambo beta, a special splicing variant with an insertion of an Alu‐like cassette, promotes etoposide‐ and Taxol‐induced cell death

Bcl‐rambo beta, a special splicing variant with an insertion of an Alu‐like cassette, promotes etoposide‐ and Taxol‐induced cell death

机译:Bcl-rambo beta是一种特殊的剪接变体,带有一个类似Alu的盒,可促进依托泊苷和紫杉醇诱导的细胞死亡



>The exonization of an Alu-like element into a coding sequence is unique to primates and this phenomenon distinguishes our genome from other mammals. Here, we report the presence of a special splicing variant of a proapoptotic protein Bcl-rambo in human lymph node, designated as Bcl-rambo beta. This variant contains a 98 bp Alu-like sequence which acts as an exon. There exists an in-frame stop codon within this inserted Alu-like cassette, resulting in generation of a premature protein of 104 amino acid residues. Unlike the Bcl-rambo, Bcl-rambo beta is lacking of the BH1, BH2 and BH3 motifs and becomes a BH4-only protein. Bcl-rambo beta is detected in several adult human tissues such as heart, lymph node and cervix but is absent in human brain tissue. In addition, Bcl-rambo beta is found not to be associated with mitochondria due to the absence of its C-terminal membrane anchor region. Nevertheless, this cytosol-localized protein is capable of promoting etoposide- and Taxol-induced cell death. Although the exact function of the Alu sequence is not fully characterized, the Alu element within the Bcl-rambo beta appeared to contribute to the proapoptotic capability, since removing of the Alu sequence from Bcl-rambo beta abrogates its ability to induce cell death. Our data support the speculation that the Alu element insertion during the splicing process may play an important role in the generation of protein diversity in primate cells by a yet uncharacterized mechanism.
机译:>灵长类动物特有的将Alu样元件外显子化为编码序列的现象,这种现象使我们的基因组与其他哺乳动物区分开来。在这里,我们报道了人类淋巴结中凋亡蛋白Bcl-rambo的特殊剪接变体的存在,称为Bcl-rambo beta。该变体包含作为外显子的98bp的Alu样序列。在该插入的Alu样盒中存在框内终止密码子,导致产生104个氨基酸残基的过早蛋白质。与Bcl-rambo不同,Bcl-rambo beta缺少BH1,BH2和BH3基序,而成为仅BH4的蛋白质。 Bcl-rambo beta在几种成年人类组织(例如心脏,淋巴结和子宫颈)中检测到,但在人类脑组织中却不存在。另外,由于缺乏C端膜锚定区,发现Bcl-rambo beta与线粒体不相关。然而,这种细胞质定位蛋白能够促进依托泊苷和紫杉醇诱导的细胞死亡。尽管尚未完全表征Alu序列的确切功能,但Bcl-rambo beta中的Alu元素似乎有助于促凋亡能力,因为从Bcl-rambo beta中去除Alu序列会消除其诱导细胞死亡的能力。我们的数据支持这样的推测,即在剪接过程中插入Alu元素可能通过尚未阐明的机制在灵长类细胞的蛋白质多样性的产生中起重要作用。



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