首页> 外文期刊>FEBS Letters >Ribosomal proteins S2, S6, S10, S14, S15 and S25 are localized on the surface of mammalian 40 S subunits and stabilize their conformation A study with immobilized trypsin

Ribosomal proteins S2, S6, S10, S14, S15 and S25 are localized on the surface of mammalian 40 S subunits and stabilize their conformation A study with immobilized trypsin

机译:核糖体蛋白S2,S6,S10,S14,S15和S25位于哺乳动物40 S亚基的表面并稳定其构象固定化胰蛋白酶的研究



>Trypsin immobilized on collagen membranes has been used to digest accessible ribosomal proteins of rat liver 40 S subunits. Six proteins (S2, S6, S10, S14, S15 and S25) have been found to be highly exposed on the surface of 40 S particles. They appear to be in close physical contact and localized in the same region of the subunit, most likely protruding at its surface. Electric birefringence reveals that digestion of these proteins results in unfolding of subunits: the birefringence of 40 S particles becomes negative, like that of RNA, the relaxation time undergoes a 15-fold decrease and the mechanism of orientation is drastically modified.
机译:固定在胶原膜上的胰蛋白酶已用于消化大鼠肝脏40 S亚基的可及核糖体蛋白。已经发现六种蛋白质(S2,S6,S10,S14,S15和S25)在40 S颗粒的表面高度暴露。它们似乎紧密地物理接触,并位于亚基的同一区域,最有可能在其表面突出。电双折射揭示了这些蛋白质的消化会导致亚基的解折叠:40 S颗粒的双折射像RNA一样变为负值,弛豫时间减少15倍,并且定向机理被彻底改变。



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