首页> 外文期刊>Nature Communications >Role of Rab11 in planar cell polarity and apical constriction during vertebrate neural tube closure

Role of Rab11 in planar cell polarity and apical constriction during vertebrate neural tube closure




Epithelial folding is a critical process underlying many morphogenetic events including vertebrate neural tube closure, however, its spatial regulation is largely unknown. Here we show that during neural tube formation Rab11 -positive recycling endosomes acquire bilaterally symmetric distribution in the Xenopus neural plate, being enriched at medial apical cell junctions. This mediolateral polarization was under the control of planar cell polarity (PCP) signalling, was necessary for neural plate folding and was accompanied by the polarization of the exocyst component Sec15 . Our further experiments demonstrate that similar PCP-dependent polarization of Rab11 is essential for ectopic apical constriction driven by the actin-binding protein Shroom and during embryonic wound repair. We propose that anisotropic membrane trafficking has key roles in diverse morphogenetic behaviours of individual cells and propagates in a tissue by a common mechanism that involves PCP.



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